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Monday, May 12, 2014

Why Has America Forgotten God? This Guy Knows…

What would Abe Lincoln say about America today?

Many people wonder what has happened to our country. Out of frustration, some ask questions on social media about the moral decline in America: How did we get here? How did we reach the point where this people, a nation “under God”, failed so miserably to keep His commandments? John R.W. Stott once said:
We should not ask ‘what’s wrong with this world?’ For that diagnosis has already been given. Rather, we should ask, ‘What has happened to the salt and light?’
The root cause of every moral failure, problem, and societal decline is sin. And for a culture in which sin is celebrated and promoted, God’s judgment is right around the corner.

A society that used to claim Christianity now allows the murder of 4,000 innocent babies a day – government approved and funded by our taxes. Washington D.C. has an irresponsible spending addiction; and instead of cutting spending and paying down the national debt, government keeps spending what they do not have. The Bible considers this “the love of money.”
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1 comment:

  1. This whole article is nothing but hogwash.

    Where to begin. First, when our country is made up of 75% self identified Christians, how can he possibly make any of these claims? How could America have "forgotten god" when an overwhelming majority of Americans are Christian.

    Last time I checked, ALL of the Presidents EVER have been Christian. Almost All of the Congressmen and Supreme Court Judges Christian, and almost ALL local government Christian. If there is indeed a moral decline, who's fault is it again? If there is moral decline, who's watch was it on again?

    The "ironic" bit about his invoking the "a nation under God", a call back to the pledge of alligence.. the phrase Under God was ADDED in RECENT history, it wasn't a reflection back to a day that was more "god filled".

    How, can you possibly argue, that a country that is OVERWHELMINGLY Christian, can you argue is in moral decline. Harkening back to a time that morality was stronger... like, when Christians owned slaves? When slavery was argued for and supported by Christians quoting bible verses supporting slavery?

    How could you POSSIBLY argue, that our country is in a moral decline because we don't force people to participate in mandatory prayer. What happens to the 75% of the country, they just STOP being christian if there isn't some sort of service going on? How can you possibly make that argument?

    Why isn't the author of this article honest enough to say that he won't be happy until everyone is forced to walk lock step with his brand of religiosity, that he doesn't care about the first amendment, and wants us to live in a theocracy. At least THAT would be honest.

    This entire article is deceptive, and deluded.

    He argues that homosexuality is destroying the moral fiber, but NEVER SAYS HOW (and no one ever has). Christians need to have some consistency on this sin, if they are gonna follow the bible on homosexuality, then they need to not mix fabrics, kill any women who weds that is not a virgin, and force women who are raped to marry their rapist as long as he pays her father 50 silver. I mean, seriously, this is insane.

    This article is just another in a long line of false and unsupportable arguments trying to forward the false meme of Christian oppression. It's just flat out wrong.


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