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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

White House Admits Obama Knew Of VA Problems In 2008 — Blames Bush!

The White House acknowledged Monday that President Obama was warned of problems within the VA years ago and said that was why he asked Congress repeatedly for more money to try to improve care for veterans.

The Washington Times reported Monday that Mr. Obama’s transition team was warned in 2008 to be wary of the wait times the Department of Veterans Affairs was reporting — a key element of the burgeoning scandal over VA care.

White House press secretary Jay Carney said the problems extended back before Mr. Obama’s term and that the president’s response once in office was to ask for more money to try to handle the flood of veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq.



  1. Funny how he blames everything on everyone else.

  2. Blames Bush... NO DOUBT!!

  3. He is a liar, period.

  4. He attitude is just like a homeless drunk...he evens spends our money this way....

  5. This lie won't wash b.o.
    There has been a problem for many years to include Clinton, Bush and now b.o.
    Bush informed b.o. in 2008 before he left office that this was a major problem and to keep a close eye because of all the vets returning from the different locations. b.o. got all the money he requested every year for the V.A.
    The blood is on b.o.'s hands. He has been an absentee president since he's been in office. Valerie Jarret runs this white house. b.o. is AWOL and needs to be hung out to dry.

  6. Obama is not a leader, he is a second rate community organizer, a forth rate senator at best and the worst president in history.

  7. If it was inherited - the current administration did nothing to fix it....for six years (so far).

    Either you own it because you did nothing to fix it, or you own it because it happened on your watch!

  8. He is the one that needs to step down !

  9. But where did all of the wounded veterans come from if not from Afghanistan and Iraq? Wars = wounded veterans.I'm certainly not an Obama fan,but if he has started any wars I am not aware of it.

  10. Anonymous said...
    But where did all of the wounded veterans come from if not from Afghanistan and Iraq? Wars = wounded veterans.I'm certainly not an Obama fan,but if he has started any wars I am not aware of it.

    May 21, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    Trust me, you are an Obama fan.


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