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Saturday, May 17, 2014

‘What a dork’: Gov. Martin O’Malley’s Reddit AMA ‘a complete disaster’

In another sign that he is suffering from delusions of national relevance, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) participated in a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) today. Presumably he thought some exposure to the young Internet-savvy crowd would at least help raise his 2016 poll numbers above most cartoon characters. If he is true to form, O’Malley will try to spin his AMA performance as a rousing success, but people who participated certainly won’t be buying that.



  1. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 17, 2014 at 11:20 PM

    Who Would Expect Anything Better From Our NO. 1 Socialist Democ-rat in Maryland, Mr. TAX-RAIN-MAN MARTY OWE'MONEY OWE MALLEY. Nevermind the fact he only answered GRAND TOTAL OF 5 QUESTIONS. BUT YOU CAN ASK HIM ANYTHING!?! And consider yourself Extremely Lucky, if he answers anything.

  2. The tool called the Preakness Trophy the "most coveted trophy in sports"... I wonder if he's seen the Lombardi... the Stanley Cup or the Wimbledon Vase.. or heard of the Master's Green Jacket..or a Gold Medal at the Olympics?.. Just because he's collecting campaign cash..anything he can stick his nose in is a big deal


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