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Monday, May 12, 2014

Washington Monument Reopend Today

A patched-up Washington Monument reopens today, nearly three years since earthquake damage forced it to close. The National Park Service celebrates the return of public tours with a star-studded affair. Topping the list is the local philanthropist David Rubenstein, who donated $7.5 million to match federal funds for the repairs. An earthquake in August 2011 shook the monument to its core. The marble chipped, cracked and sustained hairline fractures. Most of the damage was to the pyramid-shaped top. Today, elevator rides will resume.

PUBLISHERS NOTES: It's been reported today that there are 700,000 visitors to this site annually. I want you to keep that number in mind because now I want to remind ALL of you that the Salisbury Zoo claims they have more than 500,000 visitors to the Zoo annually. Now, who are YOU going to believe? 


  1. Wow, Joe, I never thought about it that way.

    I imagine if you eliminate the organized school trips, there goes most of the visitors.

    But no way are there that many school children available to go in a year.

  2. Actually, on their website they say 300,000 visitors per year.

  3. 4:05, I'm glad to see they reduced it but it's still a HUGE LIE. I have been to many meetings where the former Director and former Mayor always stated 500,000 visitors. Liberals, need I say more?

  4. Joe, I live in DC. The 700,000 number could be the number of visitors that actually get to go in the Monument. The numbers of visitors to the Washington Monument site is over 20 million per year. I am a member of the DC chamber of commerce and own a business that caters to DC visitors. Just wanted to point that out.

  5. Wow. They really milked that job. 15 million bucks. Government at its best. Yes I know 7.5 million was donated.

  6. Exactly 555 feet tall.
    That is 6660 inches.

  7. Wow, $2,250.00 per inch????

    I should have put in a bid!

  8. Joe, they count their employees and volunteers as "visitors". Also, any animal that dies before a year is up is just a "visitor". Also, any dead pigeons and geese found, as well as all the live ones that fly in and out who are not part of the actual zoo.

    You just have to look at it in the proper perspective!


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