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Saturday, May 03, 2014

Virginia Democrat to Supporters: Harass Tea Party Members by Calling the Police on Them

Mike Dickinson, a Virginia Democrat, badly wants Eric Cantor’s House seat. He wants it so badly that he’s willing to break the law to get it:

Mike Dickinson, the Virginia Democrat who wants the House seat currently held by Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., is not on the ballot in his district, but continues to issue unhinged tweets as though he is a viable candidate. On Sunday, he urged his supporters to violate Virginia law and use the police to harass members of the Tea Party.

“Use the Supreme Court ruling to harass tea party members. When you see them call the police,” he tweeted.

“You do realize you are advocating people to make false statements to the Police? That’s, last I checked, a crime,” one person said in response.


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