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Friday, May 30, 2014

VA Government Union Fought Against Allowing Vets into Private Care

VA Government Union Fought Against Allowing Vets into Private Care

On the top executives keep cutting costs. On the bottom, health care unions keep increasing benefits for workers. In the middle, the patients get squeezed out.

Unlike the unions, a patient has no negotiating leverage with government medicine. So the workers get more benefits and the patients get fewer medications and procedures. And quicker pathways to death so they don’t use up any of the money that would otherwise go to executive bonuses and union benefits.

You can see it in the NHS or the VA. It’s all the same. (via Iowntheworld.com)

Encouraging vets on Medicare to use civilian care instead of the VA could cut the patient backlog at the VA by as much as half, solving a national crisis.

Almost half of vets are 65 or over, and nearly all vets using the VA have Medicare coverage.

Often, they’d be better off getting their bypass surgery and cancer operations at civilian hospitals that do higher volumes of these age-related procedures and have better survival rates, instead of sticking with the VA.

But the VA fails to tell them. The culprit is the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the union that dominates the VA. For AFGE, the VA is a jobs program.



  1. Typical union... The hell with getting vets help, got to keep that union money flowing. Give them all vouchers...

  2. I'm a Vet and told the clinic in Pocomoke I wish to see an outside doctor for a second opinion.
    Talk about pissed off , they told me flat out , you either go outside or here , not both.


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