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Friday, May 23, 2014

Underestimate the Internet at Your Peril

$1 Million Bounty to Be Offered for 'Smoking Gun' in IRS Targeting Scandal ... A nonprofit group hopes to award a $1 million bounty to anyone who can provide "smoking gun" evidence to implicate IRS leadership or members of the Obama administration who purposefully targeted conservative and tea party-affiliated groups, TheBlaze has learned. Gregg Phillips, the managing director for The Voters Trust, a political nonprofit 501 (c)(4) which was established to identify and mobilize Americans, told TheBlaze on Wednesday "that this is the people's bounty to seek the truth." Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the nonprofit group True the Vote, will be officially announcing the bounty Wednesday night on Megyn Kelly's Fox News show, "The Kelly File" at 9 p.m. ET. To qualify for the bounty, the person needs to provide "relevant evidence including emails, eye-witness accounts, or testimony of political targeting of Americans by the IRS or the Obama administration that has not previously been reported," according to an official press release from the group obtained by TheBlaze. – TheBlaze 

Dominant Social Theme: The Tea Party is a flash in the pan and the current system is strong enough, honorable enough and decent enough to withstand the attacks now being leveled at it. 

Free-Market Analysis: Despite regular efforts to downplay the political change taking place around the US, events like this one – in the excerpt above – show that the sociopolitical fabric itself is being attacked by citizens who for one reason or another have had enough. 

1 comment:

  1. i pray a credible source or sources come forward with plenty of proof to slam the irs and this prez.


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