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Saturday, May 03, 2014

‘Twelve is about as old as I can handle’: Graphic emails sent from Democrat state rep charged with trading child porn

Illinois continues to be a beacon of democracy, thanks to a pillar of law-abiding, freedom-loving politicians. The state that gave us our esteemed president and Jesse Jackson, Jr. has also giving us Keith Farnham, the Democrat who loves kiddie porn.

Illinois representative Keith Farnham has been charged with using state and personal computers to trade child pornography.

The 66-year-old allegedly boasted about molesting a six-year-old girl and used online chat rooms to discuss his fantasies.

When he resigned on March 19, one week after his Elgin office and home were raided, he claimed he was standing down because of health concerns.


Publishers Notes: How many more SICK politicians will be exposed. From Salisbury to Congress, gay marriage, transgender bathroom access, foot tapping in bathrooms, Liberals have screwed this country up so bad it isn't funny.


  1. Last I checked, this kind of sin knows no political ideology.

  2. Yes it does 5:45. The democrat philosophy is if it 'feels good do it' 'anything goes.' Democrats pretend and feign offense and disgust but their actions prove they approve and promote perverted behaviours.
    Democrats are evil sick people who would even sell their own children out for a vote.

  3. Sadly, we cannot speak out against anything anymore without being labeled intolerant or worse. This individual should be locked away with inmates who feel as I do about men who pray on 6 year old girls.

  4. 5:45 you are correct but it is the liberal progressives that continue to push these things as normal

  5. 5:45 Also, no religious ideology. People hide behind their status, and continue to exploit children. Any crime against a child should carry a penalty that never allows that person to see the sun. Death would be the best, but we turned in our "man card", as a country, long ago.

  6. Also, gay marriage has nothing to do with child molestation. How the publisher can bring that into this, is beyond me. Why not expose the churches, boy scouts, and parents, who are doing these things to children? Doesn't fit your agenda?


  7. Chuck Cook said...

    Last I checked, this kind of sin knows no political ideology.

    May 3, 2014 at 5:45 AM

    You must be a Democrat and playing damaging control for your party. Jim Ireton, Marty O'Malley and Obama are known homosexuals. Marty is even an adulterer who cheated on his wife and fathered twins with a reporter. Then the woman almost died while working out of state reporting on a story. How ironic.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Also, gay marriage has nothing to do with child molestation. How the publisher can bring that into this, is beyond me. Why not expose the churches, boy scouts, and parents, who are doing these things to children? Doesn't fit your agenda?

    May 3, 2014 at 7:59 AM

    Most be a pole smoker who got their feeling hurt. Yes many gays are pedophiles and you can't deny it. Put them all to sleep!

  9. Children of Homosexual parents have a much much higher rate of molestation.

  10. 9:04 So are many pediatricians... preachers... teachers... counselors... But, that's OK with you, right? As long as they're not gay?

  11. Let's get one thing straight. Men who molest little boys are homosexuals. End of story there is no debating this.
    The reason these particular homosexuals pick on children as opposed to having an adult relationship is because they are closet homosexuals and they can often scare a child into not telling on them. These closet homosexuals often seek out positions where people trust them-priests, scout leaders, coaches.

  12. When an organization such as the men loves boys or whatever it's called lobbies extensively for gay marriage then that should raise red flags with everyone.
    Whatever they want any decent person should be against.


  13. Anonymous said...
    Let's get one thing straight. Men who molest little boys are homosexuals. End of story there is no debating this.
    The reason these particular homosexuals pick on children as opposed to having an adult relationship is because they are closet homosexuals and they can often scare a child into not telling on them. These closet homosexuals often seek out positions where people trust them-priests, scout leaders, coaches.

    May 3, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    You are absolutely correct on this explanation. Right Jimbo!


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