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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Tim Scott Raises the Bar for All Republicans, And All Blacks

For Democrats, a black Republican is either a token or a traitor to his race. This type of low-intellect banter, usually reserved for hyper partisan punchlines on MSNBC shows that no one watches, does nothing to further the country or its African American population. In fact, what it does is encourages the ostracization of right-of-center minded blacks from our own community.

It’s borderline racist.

What Francis Wilkinson suggests in his Bloomberg View piece last Thursday was nonsensical. National Review called it a “racially charged screed.” The contention is that Republicans are so racist that they want a black man up front? I’m confused by this assertion of “white pride.”

Worse, Mr. Wilkinson (a white man) dismisses Senator Tim Scott’s (a black man) authentically black story and record. If legitimate observations are worth correlating, what are we to make of the dismissal of Scott’s 13 years of service on the Charleston County Council where he eventually became its Chairman? While we’re studying the topic, what are we to make of there being no mention of Scott serving two years in the State House where he served on powerful legislative committees?


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