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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

This Historic Cross Was Erected to Honor Fallen WWI Soldiers, but Now Atheists Are Suing for It to Be Removed

It’s a simple design: A large cross with a plaque beneath it featuring the names of fallen U.S. soldiers. But a group of atheists says that the memorial commemorating deceased World War I soldiers is a violation of the separation of church and state.

Known as the “Peace Cross,” the 40-foot structure has been on display in Bladensburg, Maryland, since 1925 when the American Legion, a veterans rights organization, raised the bulk of the money needed to erect it.

In addition to soldiers’ names, the plaque contains a quote from President Woodrow Wilson that reads, “The right is more precious than the peace; we shall fight for the things we have always carried nearest our hearts; to such a task we dedicate ourselves.”

It also features the words ”valor, endurance, courage, devotion.”


  1. I think we should ignore the people that want all our monuments removed. Especially the "devil worshipers?

  2. Communist goal: 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

  3. I am unaware of any law that calls for the "separation of Church and State" to be in violation of. People who ignore history seem to have very odd claims of their "facts".

  4. Atheists - please purchase your one-way, out-of-country tickets immediately. SALE NOW - "Slow Boat to China" Tours.

  5. if the american legion owned that small piece of land it would be a dead issue.
    give them the land for $1.

  6. So you guys would be fine with a large public Muslim memorial (star and crescent) for the Muslim US soldiers who have died in wars too I suppose?

  7. What they are asking for is specifically prohibited by our First Amendment; "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," and goes further by guaranteeing us the right to practice any religion we want, wherever we want, and in any way we want, with whomever we want, in front of anybody we want. "...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;".

    That is really straightforward, and easy for all educated people to understand.

  8. Athiests be damned - just leave all monuments alone and if you don't like them I suggest you refer to 6:12 AM comment.

  9. The lesson here is that everyone should mind their own business and stick to their own yard. Atheist don't like crosses erected? Look the other way and shut up. Religion doesn't like homosexuality? Look the other way and shut up.

    So simple, yet lost on everyone. We're doomed.

  10. What muslin U. S. soldiers?


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