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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

That Familiar Ice Cream Truck Jingle Has Some Pretty Racist Lyrics

It’s a familiar childhood tune.

It’s the signal there are King Cones, Drumsticks and Rainbow Pops nearby.

And its lyrics are very racist.

The song, which was released in March 1916 by the Columbia Graphophone Company — later Columbia Records — is titled, ”N—– Love A Watermelon Ha! Ha! Ha!” It was written by actor Harry C. Browne and played on the depiction of African Americans as “mindless beasts of burden greedily devouring slices of watermelon,” according to NPR‘s Theodore Johnson.



  1. I don't know about you, but I sang this melody with the turkey lyrics when I was a kid, not these.

  2. Ours plays Christmas music lol

  3. now some will call for banning ice cream trucks

  4. Christmas music in Delmar. The only time we hear the N word is when the black kids walk by after school. Teenagers talking to the little kids. That word isn't going away and when the white kids use it, they didn't get it from the ice cream man!!

  5. the only time I hear the N word is when blacks of all ages use it.

    Is anyone else tire of feeling guilty for being racist because you are white? I'm not, but that is what the libs are trying.

  6. When they stop calling each other n***** and stop using that word it will die away. As long as they keep it going, as far as I am concerned, they are just as racist as well as anyone else!

  7. Black folks are the only people I ever hear using that word. I think the rich black people would really like for the poor black people to stop using it.

  8. This is supposed to be offensive? Has anyone listened to any of their RAP music? Lyric's are all about raping, robbing, killing, and of course the N word. Their culture and mindset is all about drugs, and crime, if your to believe their music, but come on, when did people start getting all of their beliefs from song lyrics?

  9. 4:14, yes their culture is all about criminal activity, this is another reason all of America's big cities are drug and crime cesspools! It is too bad they don't embrace a good work ethics type of persona. Their use of Ni$$$& at each other is surprising since they seem to hate it so much, but, banning words is anti-American, and no one should be for that!


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