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Saturday, May 03, 2014

Sterling, Media and the Race Card — a Confederacy of Dunces

A secretly taped conversation between long-time L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling and his then-girlfriend was released. The NBA has now banned Sterling from the league. The commissioner recommends that Sterling sell his team.

The old guy had a quarrel with his girlfriend, which she apparently — surreptitiously — recorded. The most eye-raising parts have to do with Sterling, 80, telling his less-than-half-his-age girlfriend that he doesn’t want her attending games with black people, specifically with Magic Johnson. She can “f–k” anybody, he said, just don’t bring “them” to the games.

His reasons appear to be that his girlfriend, who describes herself as black and Mexican, would look — to others — more white if she sat next to white people. I guess. I really don’t know. He probably doesn’t.

Despite his obvious anger, Sterling never says the “n” word, let alone calls her a “c” word. He expresses admiration for Johnson. He says to the girlfriend, almost in disbelief, “You think I’m a racist!” The now ex-girlfriend is currently being sued by the Sterling family for allegedly embezzling almost $2 million.

The tape released contains some 15 minutes, although reportedly there are many more hours. He sounds jealous and insecure — an old guy asking his girl not to make him into a bigger, behind-the-back joke than he already is. She sounds shallow and manipulative, clearly trying to get him to say some really bad stuff to retain what she has — or to cash in for more.

For this Jerry Springer stuff, Sterling is deemed unfit to own a team?!


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