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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Save the Internet!

Update: Actions every day starting on Wednesday, May 7th, at noon and 5 pm. To Save The Internet, we are building a People’s Firewall against the FCC’s proposed rule that will create a ‘pay to play’ Internet by ending net neutrality. The FCC is located at 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554.

To ensure the Internet is open to all on an equal basis we must act now to prevent mega-corporations from destroying Internet Freedom.

It is time for escalating actions against the FCC before their vote on May 15th to end net neutrality.

If we act NOW, we can ensure a free, open and equal Internet for the 21st Century. On Wednesday, May 15 the FCC will vote on a proposal to end net neutrality and impose class-based Internet discrimination, but we have the power to stop them.

To ensure the Internet we want, we must take action today; and people need to plan to come to Washington, DC beginning next Wednesday to join in a series of escalating protests that will undermine the legitimacy of the FCC leadership and force them to pay attention to the public interest rather than the interests of mega-corporations.

The people have the power to keep the Internet open and free with equal access to all.



  1. Sad that no one is paying attention to this issue.

    It is huge and a disgrace to every freedom-loving American.

    It's all of us little guys who will be hurt buy it, while the fat cats get even fatter.

  2. The real issue is, d-bag users of Netflix and the like, use up 80-90% of the capacity, and don't want to pay for it. Screw that.


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