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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Salisbury News Delivers Investigative Reporting On HOW YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE SPENT: Part 5

Executive's Office for march 2013 

3/22/13 lombardi's $30.56 
3/31/13 Sobo's Wine Bisto $58.76 
3/31/13 Market Street Inn $23.10 
3/31/13 Market Street Inn $ 20.90 
3/31/13 Peaky's $48.66 
3/31/13 Golden Correl $ 28.24 
3/31/13 Lombardi's $32.75 
3/31/13 Mojo's $22.10 
3/31/13 Red Door $ 48.51 
3/31/13 Lombardi's $ 28.49 
3/31/13 Goin Nut's $ 76.50 
3/31/13 McDonald's $ 5.82 
3/31/13 Evolution Craft Brewing $32.14 
3/31/13 Pat's Pizzeria of Salis $ 43.33 
3/31/13 Red Door $17.76 
3/31/13 Adam's The Place For Rib"s $ 12.00 
3/31/13 Lombardi's $ 15.39 
3/31.13 Lombardi's $20.78 
3/31/13 Lombardi's $ 41 24 

Wicomico County Board Of ED 

5/30/12 Famous Daves $ 330.17 
5/31/12 Domino's $ 405.75 
5/31/12 domino's $ 684.40 
6/1/12 Sweet shop $700.00 
7/9/12 Domino's $ 100.86 
7/30/12 Panera Bread $ 46.15 
8/20/12 Domino's $ 114.07 
8/21/12 Subway $ 71.35 
8/24/12 Domino's $ 69.70 
9/24/12 Domino's $ 80.69 
10/10/12 Domino's $ 101.68 
9/7/11 Goin Nut's cafe $29.40 
9/14/11 Pizza Hut $ 49.65 
9/27/11 Pizza Hut $ 63.55 
10/4/11 East Side Deli $ 24.00 
10/12/11 Fager's Island $ 121.33 
10/13/11 Liquid Assets $ 113.00 
10/14/11 Dough Roller $ 38.76 
11/8/12 Evolution Craft Brewing $ 44.60 
11/28/12 Viva Espresso $ 16.70 
5/31/12 Dough Roller south O C Md $718.88 
8/31/12 Brew River $129.80 
6/4/12 Golden Corral $ 348.66 
5/9/12 The Globe $148.20 
6/1/12 Harborside Bar @ Grille Ocean City $ 279.84 

And they say it's for the kid's 

Lot's more coming next week, stay tuned.


  1. They can't even spend the money here in our own county. Yeah they are really trying to bring jobs here. (sarcasm)This crap is criminal!

  2. I wondering how much of this went towards alcohol. There is absolutely no good reason for the county to be paying for anyone to consume alcohol.

  3. considering the menu at most of these establishments ..our tax dollars will also be going towards cholesterol drugs and long stays in cardiac wards

  4. I just got off the phone with the BOE. Their excuse is they are just complying with Michelle Obama's mandate against brown bag lunches.

  5. School lunches are all fat and starch, they don't budget enough money for the Whitehouse queen's kids suggested menu. Probably get a better lunch in the brown bag from home!

  6. From the comments that I have seen on these post about spending at Rick Pollitts office and the BOE it is clear that your readers just don't understand how our local gov't works. We all work very long hours serving the people of Wicomico County and at very low pay and benifits. A few dollars here and there with our BOE budget being at appox. 179 million is meaningless, we deserve this food and drink and as an employee I only hope that this spending will continue and maybe even be increased. The people of Wicomico County do not pay enough taxes as it is I would hope that the Wicomico County Council will vote for Mr. Pollitt's budget and that maybe next year the county employees will get a raise. My family and I will be voting for Matt Holloway, John Hall, Laura Michial and who ever else will support a tax increase

  7. 10:49AM - you are a very poor example of a good county employee. And if you are at work, shouldn't you be working instead of reading the blog and making remarks?

  8. Anonymous 10.49 you are a true example of a liberal who thinks you deserve a hand out for anything you do. Life is not about what someone can do for you but what you can do to better yourself. I understand why you support the likes of Laura Mitchell who lives this way of life everyday.

  9. I hope you are being sarcastic 10:49 and I think you are but if you aren't your parents or whomever raised you needs a foot shoved up their butt for raising such a sponge. I don't care how old anyone is, adults who were raised by responsible parents would never ever even consider spending money for foolishness or unnecessarily especially money that belongs to the tax payers. It's the taker entitlement mentality and it is a major character flaw taught by what you see and are exposed to as a child.
    To all those who are taking advantage (this includes those who approve) of the tax payers you had nothing to thank your mother for yesterday. She failed you miserably. No decent mother raises a sponge.

  10. 10:49 one of the reason why you have amounted to nothing more than a lowly government worker with "very low pay and benefits" is because you feel you "deserve" something. People with the "deserve" mindset never amount to anything ever and are an example of a weak minded, no confidence, no self esteem, pathetic shell of a human being, who aren't really living life to the fullest but just existing salivating over what they can claim they "deserve" next.

  11. hey 10:49, I get what you are trying to say! Problem is, most of these readers are going to believe you! LOL!

  12. I am thinking that 10:49 is either being sarcastic or stirring the pot.

  13. 1:42 He is. Well played troll, well played.

  14. Public SERVANTS, at every level, should spend OUR money as frugally as possible at all times. They are caretakers of the money we work hard for and we are their employers. Instead, they act like untouchable princes of the manor, spending like spoiled aristocrats with no concern WHATSOEVER of the opinions of the taxpayers. Most working people I know are in a constant battle to keep up with ever rising costs across the board. Doing without. Making tough choices. Sacrificing. Losing sleep over the next electric bill.
    But, apparently, not these slimy weasels.
    I'm in favor of grouping them in with all the politicians and marching them all outside at gunpoint and hanging them, one by one, from the lamp posts, trees, and makeshift gallows. None of them give a rats ace about their responsibilities to the people they claim to serve. They deserve no mercy, no consideration, and no quarter.
    Right down to the very last one.

  15. Is there an explanation and purchaser listed for these expenses? Same person? For school activity or just lunching out? Do receipts specify alcohol purchased? Where's the detail to make an informed opinion.


  16. Re: County Exec office spending. Almost all of these slips are for one day, 3/31/13. No wonder the GOB elevator had to be repaired!!

    There is no defensible reason for the County to be buying his lunch every day!

  17. They need to be held accountable!

  18. We need our perks , so just leave us alone , you guys are jealous , we will continue to eat drink and be merry . We have been doing this for many years and will continue , you can do nothing about it. See you at one of these locations !
    Just remember , most companies do the same and much more , so suck it up people!!!!!!

  19. The average county employee doesn't make a lot of money, they are people just like you trying to support their families. They disagree with the way money is fraudulently being spent for lunches etc.by the upper management. While a raise would be nice,most county employees are just happy to have a job. We are everyday ordinary people like you who feel that government works for the residents of Wicomico County, but it's the few like the executive's office, sheriff's deputies and big salaried directors who are an embarrassment to the county.

  20. I work for the BOE and we can't even get a box of doughnuts during professional day meetings. Its absurd that all this money is being spent this way. Pay for your own lunch, I always have to. In fact I pay for stuff for my own classroom. Pathetic.


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