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Saturday, May 03, 2014


My name is d'Lynn. I'm a disabled Vietnam vet. I don't look too bad for a beat-up old fart, do I? And that's my ride. She's looking pretty good also, especially when you consider that she'll turn twenty this summer. That's right, it's a 1990 with a 1990 sidecar. I can't ride a solo bike, ergo the sidecar rig. It's my sole means of transportation - rain or shine, snow or wind, and this summer also marks a milestone in both of our lives, as I will finally be able to pay her off. Twenty years old? What? Why did it take so long? You weren't paying attention, were you? It's right at the beginning of this paragraph. 
I am a disabled vet, which means I receive a veterans administration disability pension, which also means "I'm broke!" Just one step ahead of being homeless every month, and that's not an idle statement or an "Oh, woe is me" dire complaint. There’s a point to this, so hang in there a minute or two and read on.

There's a 25-year-old illegal immigrant woman living in Florida , with eight kids. Yes, eight "anchor babies" and she receives just shy of $1,500 per month per kid, plus medical, plus food stamps. 
Oh, wait. I've been informed that I shouldn't call them Food Stamps anymore. That's not PC. It's all called “Social Assistance” now. You do the math on that yourself. I'd say that she was schooled early in how to make it in the system. Twenty-five years old, eight kids . . .. . . yep, she started early. 

You can whip out the calculator if you want, but this woman, who never has paid a dime in taxes of any kind, (and still doesn't – she's 'illegal,' remember?) is here in this country illegally. She hasn’t paid out one cent in medical for all the “anchor babies,” makes more in one month, legally, than I receive in over a year and a half in disability payments and I can't even get food stamps! Oops, I mean “Social Assistance.” 
Technically I am eligible for “Social Assistance.” I was told it would be a walk through – a gimme – being disabled. No problem, and in the very next breath I was also informed that under the law the amount I received in “Social Assistance” would be deducted from my disability pension. 
Let's say I take a great photograph. It was just luck, a one of a kind accident, in the right place at the right time shot. My local newspaper offers me fifty bucks to use the photo in a featured story. (I live in a small town and fifty bucks is all they could afford.) I have to report that fifty dollars to the VA as earned income, which will immediately be deducted from my next month’s disability check. If I don't report it I’m in violation of federal law and technically they can stop my disability pension and prosecute me under a federal felony. Pretty cool, he? For fifty bucks.
I see no point in dealing with two federal bureaucracies, so I don't bother. What's the point?
She's here illegally and with just one kid would make over twice what I receive per month. She has eight and she’s not a stand-out case. She’s not alone. That's the way the system works. Millions of illegal immigrants know this, know how the system works and know how to use it. (Haven't you seen the pamphlet? It's handed out all along our borders, "The Illegal Immigrants' Guide to Keeping America Just The Way It Is.") and that's just the way it works.
Did you know that the federal government provides a “refugee” in this country with a monthly “stipend” of $1,890, plus $580 a month in “Social Assistance?” That’s $2,470 a month, tax-free. That's two and a half times what I’m allowed to receive as a disabled vet.And just what did they do to earn this? All you have to do is show up on our collective doorstep, raise your right hand and swear that you're a refugee and, bingo, receive $30,000 a year, tax-free. That's more than someone making $15 an hour, and they have to pay taxes to boot!

Now, in defense of the Veterans Administration, they are doing what they can with what they've got. This is precious little compared to what they should have to get the job done. At least this country has a VA. 
It's the Senate that keeps passing laws, rules and guidelines, cutting their budget, denying requests for more staff and computer systems to handle the massive work flow. Their hands are tied by the very government that's supposed to give them what they need to get the job done, by the government you voted into office. Don't scream at the VA. I have. It's misguided anger. 
The point to this “story?” Just why are you paying such high taxes to support this incredibly screwed-up government? Why? And I’m not proposing you stop paying your taxes. That's wrong. There are good programs and reasons to pay your taxes and support our government. 

What am I proposing? It's quite simple. Vote.
The government, our government, is broken and we as the voters serve as the maintenance crew. We fix it . . . . . by voting. If your state Senator has been in office more than two terms, vote 'em out at the next election. If your state representative has been in office more than two terms, vote 'em out of office. We put term limits on just about every publicly-elected official in the country except the House and Senate. 
Why? Believe me, they know this and love it! Ahhh - the power!
I don't care how much you believe your Senator or Representative is doing a good job. They're not! Look at the government you have....that we have. How can you state they are doing what you want as the voter that put them there? How?
Vote them out of office. Do it. 
Change the course of this country's history by what you are granted and guaranteed under the law. Vote! And if you have the guts, the anger, the outrage, start a petition in your state for a state-wide initiative to be placed on your next state ballot. Limiting the terms of office for your state senators and state representatives to your federal government to two terms.
The federal government will never pass such a law, but you can. You can get it done. You can force it. You can make it a law.

This is the first step in “getting it right.” Just vote. It's simple. It's easy, dammit!
This first step will send a very clear message. It’ll work. It’ill put “us” back in control of “them.” As it should be. As it was intended in the first place.

Are you an American? Born and raised? Then vote!


  1. I am an American vet, too. Two and a half wars and a head injury and PTSD issues that put me on a rollercoaster of mood, motivation and cognitive ability changes on a day by day basis. On Thursday I might feel pretty good (not great) and be productive. On Friday morning I might wake up feeling like somebody pulled my plug. Not a good bet for a prospective employer. The VA stipend I receive is nearly a joke. I would not survive if it were my only source of income.
    Congress wants to take away or restrict a half dozen health care and living benefits from active duty and retired military members and their families. Some of these families' incomes, most of them young, are already low enough to qualify them for public assistance. Increases in medical deductibles, refusals to treat family members in military hospitals and clinics, bundling the military's TriCare insurance program into one unbelievable and more costly mess instead of the three separate believable and costly messes, and the list goes on.

    Our system is broken and it's becoming more broken. Vote out of office those who continue to break it. Vote into office those who will fix it.

  2. So sad, but, so true!!! This system is truly out of whack and sadly there is no turning it around...

  3. our system has been broken for far too long. Vote CONSERVATIVE for a good change.

  4. And that woman is a illegal immigrant and a democrat and can vote 9 times. Once for herself, and once for each child.

  5. Anonymous said...
    So sad, but, so true!!! This system is truly out of whack and sadly there is no turning it around...

    May 3, 2014 at 2:13 PM

    People like you are the problem. Instead of fighting you would rather give up.

  6. So, go down and sign up for the food stamps! Is there someone holding your front door closed? It's all a system... ride it like everybody else is. Don't sit in a corner and pout. Your income level qualifies you for State insurance if you don't like the VA insurance! Be proactive.

  7. People like you are the problem. Instead of fighting you would rather give up.

    May 3, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    People like him/her is the problem? Funny, I always thought it was the ones who were appointed to run this government that was the problem.

    I know what you are trying to say, but, attacking the ones that you want to help fix this mess we call government will not accomplish that.

    You want everyone to stick together and fight the corruption yet you start dividing people right out of the gate. Nothing positive was accomplished by this. You have insulted someone, tried to make them responsible for the problem and offered no support, no plan, no direction, and probably make them feel rejected.

    It is fine to offer correction, but do it in a way that does not alienate anyone. Make them feel like part of the group striving to make a difference.

    We are all in this together. Let us be respectful of each other and work together towards our common goal. Ok? Thanks.

  8. So... what this really says is that the VA is actually helping to create my welfare cases. Think for a moment. Why join the military if you can scam the government for much better wages and decent healthcare? My father was a vet and the care was just this side of pathetic. I will say that the medical side seems to be better today... but... seems as if that is going away as well. Why enlist. If you think the bulk of the young guys who enlist are doing it for God and Country you are wrong.. wrong.. wrong. Signing up has become the last place that people can go to have a place to live and something to eat. Sounds like welfare is a better deal to me. BTW... so you will understand... this IS tongue in cheek. This is seriously wacked.

  9. He's a typical whining crybaby....

  10. @ 3:35 and just what are you doing about it, since you're so quick to judge.

  11. I personally have friends ,realatives and other people that I know that have tried to get food stamps ,medical assistance and other help and are told they do not qualify. and some of them that do get food stamps only get $10. dollars a month in food stamps and that is all for a month. these illegals cross the border get all free bennies and lots of them are driving new cars also . and still pumping out all of the anchor babbies that they can. it is like getting paid to get pregnant and live all for free. so tell me all why should we even like these crime causing, leeching illegals???????????????????
    americans are living on the street and can't get help and these illegals get everything free.


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