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Monday, May 05, 2014

Ponder This


  1. Maryland in 2019...

  2. To bad the race roles are different than what is portrayed on this picture.

  3. That's too true to be funny!

  4. This is a very old cartoon. I first saw it back in the early 70's in a book called "The Serenity and Value of Amish Country Living" by Eli Stoltzfus, first published in Jan of 1969.

  5. Yep, 10:05 - and yet, despite all the howls from this blog and others, our country continues to be the greatest the world has ever known.

    Perhaps this will let everyone calm down and realize that on January 20, 2019, the sun will come up just like always!

  6. Yep, 1:34- That's just what the Roman senate thought in 407 AD that on August 24 410 AD the sun would come up like always and Rome would be the greatest in the world.

  7. You have to admit it though 1:34 things are so out of control anymore it's unbelievable. This cartoon was in reference to the hippie counter culture. The country should have taken it seriously back in the 70's and maybe things wouldn't have spiraled out of control. Just the debt the children are being saddled with is staggering and quite frightening. Not to mention the pension crisis. The fed propped up stock market (we all saw what happened when the feds propped up the housing market.) The Ponzi schemes that are medicare and SS. The list is unending and is catching up.


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