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Monday, May 19, 2014

Police seek group in attack on Temple student

Police are looking for a group of young men who robbed and beat a Temple University student near the school's North Philadelphia campus.

Philadelphia police said the 20-year-old student was walking through an alley on the 1800 block of Berks Street at about 11:50 p.m. on May 5 when a group of five men approached him from behind.

Two of the suspects struck the victim on the back of his head, knocking the student to the ground. The assailants continued beating him and took his cellphone, authorities said. The man suffered a dislocated right shoulder, bloody nose and scrapes.



  1. Isn't this grounds for war on these black thugs? These attacks are racially motivated. Whites are under assault everywhere by blacks. Everyone is afraid to talk about it!
    Some are too complacent to even admit it choosing to ignore the blazen attacks!
    Something must be done! The police won't admit it is a problem and they are doing whites a major disservice by choosing NOT to issue warnings because it wouldn't be politically correct and certain people may be offended!
    Screw them! They need to be offended and threatened! Hold them responsible!

  2. 12:35 You have to get out of your recliner to fight a war.. Obama wants us to turn in our guns so this stuff can go on unchecked.. anyone who thinks Philadelphia is a wise decision to move to..or go to school deserves to be jumped

  3. I have been praying for a race war .

  4. 12:35. Can you please provide one bit of evidence where Obama has said he want you to turn in your gun? Please. Provide the link where it shows this is his plan

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:35. Can you please provide one bit of evidence where Obama has said he want you to turn in your gun? Please. Provide the link where it shows this is his plan

    May 20, 2014 at 7:48 AM

    ACTIONS speak louder than words, although SOME cannot see or hear. If the shoe fits, wore it ;)

  6. Praying for a race war? That's pretty sick s@#t.

  7. 7:48 Obama's actions speak louder than words...Don't be an idiot. It's obvious the man is anti-gun or, do you dispute that???

  8. Filthadelphia has been like this for years. It has to be one of the worse holes in the U.S. To think of the historic history of this city and how bad it has become is a sad statement on America.

    Now as for these thugs it is a way of life you cant fix it. Just kill it. There will be no race crime indicated. They will call it a crime of oppurtunity. Funny if it were five white thugs it would make world news. This has become the norm. I see major troubles ahead if this continues.

  9. Anonymous said...
    its brazen

    May 20, 2014 at 4:21 AM


  10. Anonymous said...
    Filthadelphia has been like this for years. It has to be one of the worse holes in the U.S. To think of the historic history of this city and how bad it has become is a sad statement on America.

    Now as for these thugs it is a way of life you cant fix it. Just kill it. There will be no race crime indicated. They will call it a crime of oppurtunity. Funny if it were five white thugs it would make world news. This has become the norm. I see major troubles ahead if this continues.

    May 20, 2014 at 9:59 AM

    Yep, whitey has become to soft and liberal. To lazy to do anything.

  11. Just like Salisbury, Philadelphia has good areas, bad areas and worse areas. Temple U. is in between the bad and worse areas. Midnight is no time to be walking alone in an alley there or here on Church St or hanging out at Doverdale.

  12. They are black so they have their free pass and get out of jail free card with them at all times.


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