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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Police Execute Dog Outside 5-Year-Old’s Bedroom Window

Department stands by trooper who shot family dog before raiding wrong home

A Pennsylvania man is accusing a state trooper of excessive force after his dog was shot and killed outside his grandson’s bedroom window late last week.



  1. Is it any wonder that people don't trust and even hate the cops? Its gonna get worse as the police state intensifys. People say being a cop is a dangerous job, it looks to me like its more dangerous just being a damn citizen.

  2. Since 911 and the patriot act, the american people have now become the enemy.

  3. So the mercenary shot the dog in the back while raiding the wrong house and the chief says he was
    "likely keeping people safe" ?

    Even the dogs know who the enemy is.
    Time for people to wake up and realize who the enemy is too.

  4. If a police dog is injured by a citizen we are charged with attacking an officer.

    If a police officer injures a citizens dog shouldn't we expect that dog to be treated on the same level as the police dog? As family member?

    The police say that the dog has years of training and they represent the institution of law enforcement. I say that I have spent 10 years making the dog a part of my family and they just shot a part of my family.

    You can not make the rules up as you go. Either an animal is an animal or it is an accepted part of the family/institution. The police made this designation not the citizens. If we are to respect the police officers dog then the police need to respect our dog. This is tantamount to shooting my child playing in the yard. So will say that is a stretch but again, the police made the rule and it should be evenly applied across the board.

  5. You can shoot this dog, but make a hero out of one that the officer involved was too damn dumb to keep a window up for? Which is it?

  6. The worst part of the whole thing is that the police were at the wrong house. The woman they were looking for didn't live there anymore. Poor puppy :-( He didn't have to die because of a police mistake.


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