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Monday, May 05, 2014

Pelosi Calls For Immigration Reform In Honor of Cinco De Mayo

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi called for immigration reform as a way to honor Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday that celebrates the Mexican army’s victory over the French army in the Battle of Puebla in 1862.

“As we look back on a seminal moment in history, let us also look forward to the best ways we can continue to embrace the diverse heritage and rich history of Latinos in the United States,” Pelosi said in a press release last Friday. “There is no better way to acknowledge the important contributions to our country of America’s Latino community than by enacting comprehensive immigration reform.”

Pelosi challenged “House Republicans to emulate the bravery demonstrated in the Battle of Puebla, recognize the importance of immigrants and family unification, and give us a vote on a comprehensive bill that reforms our broken immigration system.”


  1. Hey Nancy, how about you show some bravery and uphold the OATH you took when you were so mistakenly elected?
    How about you and all your comrades be brave and enforce the LAW!!

    Instead you support the rich history of wetbacks invading our sovereign nation! They are illegal! Send them home.

  2. Our present immigration laws have been serving this country just fine for 230 years, until you decided they no longer needed to be enforced. Wake up, Peloser, and start enforcing the law you swore to uphold.

  3. I can't believe that after all the stupidity exhibited by the person, she is still in any position of authority. If she were just an average citizen, she would be committed to a mental institution.

  4. Air Head on steroids at best.

  5. To HELL with Cinco de Mayo this is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !

  6. That pic sure looks good on the front of my dartboard!


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