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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Park Around Back Where No One Can See Us

Wednesday was Mexican Lunch Day for the Salisbury Fire Department. Snow Hill Rd. & West College Ave.


  1. This is why we shouldn't have ANY PAID fire dept! I personally am sick and tired of my tax paying money going to fund this!!

  2. ha i was driving that big red truck and we parked around back because their was no room in the front. and dont worry whiners the bill was only 100.00 after food beer and tip. you got off easy today.

  3. You know this is wrong on many levels but without funding we'd be screwed when we need their help. Were screwed!

  4. When you call us we come to the rescue. It is petty for some of you to criticize us for having lunch. We are on-call 24/7 and deserve to eat just like the rest of you.

  5. If the above postings are from actual fire fighters....at least have the balls to state your names so we the tax payers can face you man to man and deal with this blatant abuse.

  6. open mouth, insert foot
    open mouth, look like a fool
    open mouth and try to stir up crap


    1. What you don't understand is that they never went off duty. You can order a lunch all you want, as soon as that pager goes off you HAVE to respond whether you've gotten your food or not. In the fire service there is no such thing as an actual lunch break. You are on call for 24hrs with no time during that 24hrs being off duty.

  8. They should pack their own lunch or take their own damn car to get something to eat. You don't need to take a fire truck to a restaurant.

  9. @10:16 you may be on call 24-7 but so are the VOLUNTEERS that are out in the county! They don't take our FireTrucks out for lunch - they take their personal vehicles! @9:59 Thanks for letting us know that the PAID firefighters are DRINKING ON THE JOB, and DRIVING!!!!! Great bunch of professional people! Glad I don't live in this city!

  10. I swear taking a big piece of equipment like that to go to lunch just does not make sense. If you work anywhere else, you take your own car to go get something to eat or you pack your lunch. They do this because they can and no one stops them.

  11. The best part about it is that's a Station 1 Truck and Salsaritas is in Station 16's primary response area so they aren't even eating lunch in their primary response area even though it would be MUCH more efficient and easier for station 1 to respond to that area than station 16. If you really wanted to to see how inefficient SFD operates, you would ask to see their response maps to see how poorly the response areas are drawn in regards to efficiency and logistics. I've seen them a few times and I think you would be quite surprised

  12. We use the equipment so we can respond to an emergency. If we use our cars and there is an emergency then we have to drive back to the station to get equipped.

    Jealous people

  13. Anonymous said...
    This is why we shouldn't have ANY PAID fire dept! I personally am sick and tired of my tax paying money going to fund this!!

    May 15, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    I have to agree with you. This really pisses me off and Jake Day and Jim Ireton obviously condone this. Then you have vice president Laura Mitchell also condoning this. Laura Mitchell is also running for the Wicomico County Council and has the nerve to condone this waste of city and county tax dollars. Yes county tax dollars. The Salisbury Fire Department gets millions of dollars from the Wicomico County Council. This shows you what kind of person Laura Mitchell is and the fact that she wants to represent us on the Wicomico County Council.

    Keep in mind that Laura Mitchell is being supported and financed by the Slum Lords in Salisbury and Wicomico County.

  14. Anonymous said...
    You know this is wrong on many levels but without funding we'd be screwed when we need their help. Were screwed!

    May 15, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    If you need their help and funding is an issue then you tell Jim Ireton, Jake Day, Laura Mitchell and Rick Hoppes that we need to recruit and retain volunteer firefighters who do the same job for free.

  15. Anonymous said...
    When you call us we come to the rescue. It is petty for some of you to criticize us for having lunch. We are on-call 24/7 and deserve to eat just like the rest of you.

    May 15, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    No one says you can't eat. Just bring your lunch to work with you just like most employees do. Quit whining and moaning for the Hero Pity Party you don't deserve.

    Get a real job and let the volunteers handle the fire calls in Salisbury like they do in the rest of the county.

    1. 30% of all fire service in this country is PAID not volunteer.

  16. Rick Hoppes should be fired for continuing to let this happen. Since Ireton lied to us and hired this clown as a department head the best thing we can do is fire Jim Ireton at the next election. At the same time we need to fire Jake Day and Laura Mitchell for supporting this clown as the department head and allowing him to continue to rape our wallets. We as citizens deserve better. Now the same clowns want to rape the county tax payers.

  17. 11:34 - you are full of it - and no one is jealous. We need all volunteers, period. Would you still be there if it was just a volunteer job - I doubt it.

  18. What is the difference between COPS taking work vehicles home and the FD taking them to get lunch? Both are used so if a CALL come in and they are needed, they can respond...

  19. I agree that it seems like money wasted. They should stay closer to their area and not flaunt the truck around. However, the engine in that truck is diesel and large and expensive to replace. If you don't run her everyday or at least every other, it won't last. It's capable of getting 500,000 plus miles on it. But not if she sits.

  20. Just a little geography, that's Eastern Shore Drive, not Snow Hill Road.

  21. 12:09, you are so full of it your teeth are floating! I have a 1994 diesel with 327,000 miles on it, and it sits sometimes for three weeks outdoors without any harm. Starts right up and takes me to work! I'll agree, if you need to test out the systems on it, that can be done right there at the station at idle, ending with a quick trip around the block. Twice a week, put it on the schedule.

  22. Maybe the Mexican food is so hot they have to take the truck so after lunch they can stick the hose up there (OPPPS) to cool themselves down. Insert nozzle here.

  23. Well you must have a Ford. They don't lol

  24. As a twenty-five year law enforcement officer I think you whiners need to get a life. To the cry baby that stated I have to drive my own car to lunch. I guess you are right you do. If you choose the life of a Fire Fighter or Police Officer then you get to drive your work vehicle to lunch. Just like every other person who has a work vehicle. Grow a set of balls and what these men and women do.

    Joe I know you get pissed but is this really a problem. Baltimore City takes the trucks out all the time. Kids and adults love to see them. It also keeps them mechanically sound. You know they do need milage on them other then running balls to wall to calls.

    I may not agree with all SFD politics but taking a truck out at lunch is no big deal. If the call comes in they are ready to roll I would think. People think cops and FF should not eat lol.

  25. 12:09, If a diesel engine has to be run everyday how come so many emergency generators are diesel.

    2:58, No FF's shouldn't drive their work vehicle to a meal unless they're coming back from a call that caused them to miss a meal. Otherwise you eat at your work(that's why you have a kitchen) or you send out for food or send 1 person in their car to pick up food.
    In the military if you drove a government vehicle to a restaurant(even fast food drive thru's you would be written up and subject to NJP(non-judicial punishment i.e. Loss of pay and rank).
    Also if you are at a sit down restaurant when a call comes in how can you be ready to roll.
    Are you sitting in there fully decked out in your ensemble. Do you pay your bill up front before your food comes.
    A police officer taking their service vehicle to a meal is totally different. For them the vehicle is their work place and office.

  26. I tend to agree, 2:58. Maybe this is problematic for some folks, but I think this community has much bigger issues to deal with.

  27. Anonymous said...
    As a twenty-five year law enforcement officer I think you whiners need to get a life. To the cry baby that stated I have to drive my own car to lunch. I guess you are right you do. If you choose the life of a Fire Fighter or Police Officer then you get to drive your work vehicle to lunch. Just like every other person who has a work vehicle. Grow a set of balls and what these men and women do.

    Joe I know you get pissed but is this really a problem. Baltimore City takes the trucks out all the time. Kids and adults love to see them. It also keeps them mechanically sound. You know they do need milage on them other then running balls to wall to calls.

    I may not agree with all SFD politics but taking a truck out at lunch is no big deal. If the call comes in they are ready to roll I would think. People think cops and FF should not eat lol.

    May 15, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    Hey Bozo we aren't talking about Baltimore City we are talking about little ole Salisbury.

    btw if you wanted to be a real cop you should have joined the MSP. I guess you didn't pass the test.

    1. His post only says that he's a law enforcement officer, for all you know he is MSP. By the way the WCSD and SPD are actually put in harms way much more often than MSP in our area. Educate you self, you souls like a fool.

  28. 10:16 thank u for your service. I really dont think people get that it would take longer to respond to an emergency if you were out to lunch with your personal vehicle. You would have to drive back to the station. Then jump on rescue equipment. A lot of time wasted there. If you are all I n rescue vehicle when going to lunch you get to the emergency quicker. I think people should be in your guys shoes before spewing negative comments about people protecting our community. Again thank u.

  29. @ 11:34 Why not either pack your meal, have it delivered, or even better cook at that palace! I saw them at food lion today!

  30. 6:48, Quicker response if they eat at the firehouse. You know the place with the special lights to make it easier to get out on the road and the driveway that opens up to the road. Instead of trying to pull out of a busy parking lot at lunch time. Your thought process(excuse) is very weak. Imagine what will happen the first time they get a call and they are out to lunch and run into somebody while pulling out of a parking lot or can't get out of the parking lot due to traffic.

  31. Working people will always half to pay for cops and these ppl to sit on their ass when I have a prob I handle it and don't call nobody

  32. 2:58 u should be thanking tax payers for the things u have. Just like a "law enforcement" officer to say ....... If ur not over seas or haven't been I'm not going to praise you for riding around town eating and writing useless tickets

  33. for all the people saying pack your lunch or cook int station then you should stop eating out too. Its their meal, paid with their money. They eat out because they can just like you eat out because you can.

    JOE & the rest of the whining public - if you have such a big problem with this, stop bitching about it here. Stop and talk to them. Ask them to explain it to you face to face. Taking pictures from the road and whining here is doing nothing. Maybe if you opened your mouth and spoke to them like adults (calmly and rationally) you may gain a better understanding of that which you dont understand because you dont do their job or have their knowledge and experience.

  34. 9:35
    My spouse and I have NOT eaten out at lunchtime in over 5 years. Probably longer than that actually. We can't afford to waste money and we certainly wouldn't think about wasting other peoples money just so we could ride around in a fuel guzzling vehicle so we could thump our chests and be "real men".

    Don't even talk about knowledge and experience. If ANY of the firemen at SFD had half a brain they would be working at a real station. The problem is you are not smart enough and can't meet the requirements of a real fire department. Drive your lazy butts across the bridge and see how some real fire departments work. Face it none of you could make the cut or you would be there already.

    Stop wasting tax payers money and pack your own lunches. Since you seem to have so much money to waste how about you open a soup kitchen and feed the hungry with all the extra money you have. That way you could be at the fire station actually helping someone, you could boost your own egos and eat your lunch.

  35. It's real simple. Next time contract negotiations come up require them to pay for gas and pro-rated wear and tear for all excursions in fire equipment not expressly related to fighting a fire or training. I bet they quit using the equipment then.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:16 thank u for your service. I really dont think people get that it would take longer to respond to an emergency if you were out to lunch with your personal vehicle. You would have to drive back to the station. Then jump on rescue equipment. A lot of time wasted there. If you are all I n rescue vehicle when going to lunch you get to the emergency quicker. I think people should be in your guys shoes before spewing negative comments about people protecting our community. Again thank u.

    May 15, 2014 at 6:48 PM

    Since you posted under anonymous it proves you are a paid firemen trying to pretend you are a fine upstanding citizen when you are not. The true tax paying citizen value the service of the real firefighters who do it for free. There is no need for a paid fire crew in Salisbury so get over yourselves.

  37. Anonymous said...
    I tend to agree, 2:58. Maybe this is problematic for some folks, but I think this community has much bigger issues to deal with.

    May 15, 2014 at 5:43 PM


    A fully paid fire department with a multimillion dollar payroll is the biggest issue the city needs to deal with. I am sick of paid firemen getting on here trying to justify their unneeded jobs. They don't even pay city tax. Hell Rick Hoppes doesn't even pay city taxes. He lives in Parsonsburg closer to Powellville and has a take home brand new Ford Explorer with all the gas he wants for free.

  38. Anonymous said...
    for all the people saying pack your lunch or cook int station then you should stop eating out too. Its their meal, paid with their money. They eat out because they can just like you eat out because you can.

    JOE & the rest of the whining public - if you have such a big problem with this, stop bitching about it here. Stop and talk to them. Ask them to explain it to you face to face. Taking pictures from the road and whining here is doing nothing. Maybe if you opened your mouth and spoke to them like adults (calmly and rationally) you may gain a better understanding of that which you dont understand because you dont do their job or have their knowledge and experience.

    May 15, 2014 at 9:35 PM

    Paid fireman trying to intimidate the readers.

  39. Anonymous said...
    My spouse and I have NOT eaten out at lunchtime in over 5 years. Probably longer than that actually. We can't afford to waste money and we certainly wouldn't think about wasting other peoples money just so we could ride around in a fuel guzzling vehicle so we could thump our chests and be "real men".

    Don't even talk about knowledge and experience. If ANY of the firemen at SFD had half a brain they would be working at a real station. The problem is you are not smart enough and can't meet the requirements of a real fire department. Drive your lazy butts across the bridge and see how some real fire departments work. Face it none of you could make the cut or you would be there already.

    Stop wasting tax payers money and pack your own lunches. Since you seem to have so much money to waste how about you open a soup kitchen and feed the hungry with all the extra money you have. That way you could be at the fire station actually helping someone, you could boost your own egos and eat your lunch.

    May 15, 2014 at 9:52 PM

    You are absolutely correct that these lazy bums wouldn't make it in a real fire department. They have tried and didn't make the cut. The Salisbury Fire Department scraped the bottom of the bucket when they hired these bums. Some are smarter and taking jobs in Ocean City, but they are paramedics and not the low intelligent firemen.

    Speaking of fat and lazy look at their wannabe overweight fire chief Rick Hoppes. He is to lazy to walk over to the state of art gym. Fat and Lazy is all you can say about him.

  40. 4:11. Negative about being a paid firefighter. But I use to serve my community 12 yrs. Ago. As a volunteer. Just trying to make a point that the fire service has to respond quickly to an emergency. Time is everything. If they responded to slow then people would still post negative comments. Its a no win situation for the service.

  41. it would be nice if the people fusing on here would fuse at the section 8 getting away with their free loading selves.

  42. None 7:41, that's a load of CRAP. We ALL know that the list of Volunteers the SFD claims to have is complete BS. That list probably hasn't been purged in 100 years.

    Folks, in real numbers there's probably a 70%, (if not a LOT more) of paid Firefighters. I'm just guessing but I know what None is saying is a load of crap.

  43. If it is so important to have paid firemen why doesn't every fire department in Wicomico County have them? I know you will say the SFD has more calls than the other departments but they ALSO have a larger population to get volunteers from. Maybe just maybe if they volunteers were treated decently you would get more of them. I have seen many times where the volunteers were treated like crap because the people in charge are on an ego trip. They appoint people that will kiss their butt rather than people that actually know what is going on.

  44. Anonymous said...
    6:48, Quicker response if they eat at the firehouse. You know the place with the special lights to make it easier to get out on the road and the driveway that opens up to the road. Instead of trying to pull out of a busy parking lot at lunch time. Your thought process(excuse) is very weak. Imagine what will happen the first time they get a call and they are out to lunch and run into somebody while pulling out of a parking lot or can't get out of the parking lot due to traffic.

    May 15, 2014 at 7:27 PM

    The stations are supposed to be strategically placed around the city so technically it would have been a quicker response if they ate at the Station.

    "NONE" said in another article that he was a volunteer and the paid firemen eat at the new kitchen at Station 16 every single night. If that is the case then every single night at dinner time the ambulance from Station 1 and Station 2 are eating dinner at Station 16 so that means their response time is always going to be slower every single night of the week. The citizens of Salisbury are being cheated by the paid firemen and the paid paramedics every single day and it is worse when the bridge is up.

  45. None said...
    30% of all fire service in this country is PAID not volunteer.

    May 16, 2014 at 7:41 AM

    And your point is? Please cite your source.

    1. The source is Firefighting essentials fire 1 book used to teach basic firefighting.

      My point was that someone said that 99% of the country was volunteer. This is untrue.

  46. Anonymous said...
    If it is so important to have paid firemen why doesn't every fire department in Wicomico County have them? I know you will say the SFD has more calls than the other departments but they ALSO have a larger population to get volunteers from. Maybe just maybe if they volunteers were treated decently you would get more of them. I have seen many times where the volunteers were treated like crap because the people in charge are on an ego trip. They appoint people that will kiss their butt rather than people that actually know what is going on.

    May 16, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    You are 100% Correct on this. The reason they have more calls is because they are chasing ambulances to run up their call volume. They want to justify their jobs. That is also why the volunteers are treated like crap. Run the volunteers off and then you won't have any and then you have a reason to hire paid firemen.

  47. None said...
    Oh you will call some day

    May 16, 2014 at 7:48 AM


  48. Anonymous said...
    it would be nice if the people fusing on here would fuse at the section 8 getting away with their free loading selves.

    May 16, 2014 at 7:45 AM

    This is a paid fireman throwing in this distraction to take the heat off of them to justify their paid jobs.

    BTW this is a racist comment because you know blacks live in Section 8 housing. Proves paid firemen are racist and I think this is a worse comment than what I heard Donald Sterling said.

  49. Blogger None said...
    His post only says that he's a law enforcement officer, for all you know he is MSP. By the way the WCSD and SPD are actually put in harms way much more often than MSP in our area. Educate you self, you souls like a fool.

    May 16, 2014 at 7:47 AM

    So how do you know WCSD and SPD are actually put in harms way much more often than MSP in our area? Prove it!! Where do you get your facts from?

    NONE pleas tell us what "you souls like a fool" means?

    It's funny you tell the commenters to educate them selves when you post WCSD when it fact it is WCSO.

    Typical know it all firemen who doesn't know sh!t, but tries to make it sound like he does.

  50. Next time you see them out. Buy them a lunch and thank them for their service!

  51. 8:19, Now you want a free lunch???

  52. Take your vehicles to eat.. Then a call come in and drive back to the fire department and get the fire truck then go on the call... Well there is some wasted time there. Wake up u old republican cry babies. Do you all have nothing better to do than complain about a fire truck?

  53. Anonymous said...
    Take your vehicles to eat.. Then a call come in and drive back to the fire department and get the fire truck then go on the call... Well there is some wasted time there. Wake up u old republican cry babies. Do you all have nothing better to do than complain about a fire truck?

    May 18, 2014 at 8:24 AM

    So now people who are concerned about the abuse of their tax dollars being wasted by a corrupt fire chief and fire department are called "old republicans" as if that is a racial slur.

  54. 8:24 AM there are two members of the Salisbury City Council who oppose this abuse and I can assure they are not old Republican crybabies.

    You snotty nosed little punk you should be glad you have a job as a paid fireman. Hopefully we get a new mayor during the next election who doesn't lie to us to get his support and fulfills his promises.

  55. Don't they as an overpriced gourmet kitchen

  56. As long as Rick Hoppes and John Tull and their merry band of little assistant chiefs are in charge the corruption will continue.

  57. Anonymous said...
    Don't they as an overpriced gourmet kitchen

    May 18, 2014 at 8:57 AM

    Yes they have a full stainless steel commercial kitchen in that $14 million dollar fire palace.

  58. Rick Hoppes is already planning on buying more brand new fire trucks within the next five years. If you don't believe me then look at Hoppes' Five Year Capital Improvement Plan.

  59. Get a freaking CLUE people....

    Check any fire department across country. I BEG you for one day to hope in one of these rigs and RISK your life for someone else's property?

    You cry, cry, cry until you need them. If this is your complaint, then ALL public service people need not get food in their vehicles,

    I know lets make all cops go to station, park cars get in their POV's go get lunch, come back pick up their car and go back to work.

    I am so sick of this shit about FD... These members WHO are volunteer want to be paid most of them. Most of them that are now paid, where volunteers.

    STUPID, SUPID Posts Joe

    retired Firefighter...

    Ill also say, my body was destroyed lifting lazy fat ass people with no insurance and taking them to hospitals on YOUR tax dollars, want to complain.... Complain about that.

  60. @ 9:35 I appreciate everything the firemen do and this has nothing to do with that. They work 24 hours on and have 3 days off! You can eat out on your 3 days off. Pack your lunch on your one day you work or take something and cook it at your kitchen in the firehouse. No one says you shouldn't eat........they they you should be all over town with the engine to do it. I don't want to pay for gas to run that engine all over town. My job gives me a half hour to eat so I can't really leave so.....I pack my lunch or take a frozen meal and run in microwave etc and by the way mine is a government job too. Rick Hoppes should be replaced because he is aware that the public that pays him doesn't want this and he condones it. He really shouldn't have that job ....he apparently is part of the problem and not the solution

  61. Blogger None said...(in part) In the fire service there is no such thing as an actual lunch break. You are on call for 24hrs with no time during that 24hrs being off duty.
    May 16, 2014 at 7:38 AM

    None is an idiot and this is the biggest load of crap. On call 24 hrs? We have 1 fire, what ... very 2 weeks? So they are sitting there "on call" 24 hrs a day for an occasional fire and a bevy of ambulance chasing??
    "no thing such as a lunch break"? I took the photo of them at Giant on a Friday afternoon, I saw them standing around socializing... for an hour. Seemed like a sufficient "lunch break" to me.
    Other citizens have sent in DOZENS of photos of them and their expensive limo around town on "lunch break".
    They seem to have more lunch breaks than fire fighting duties in any 24 hours.

    1. You obviously missed the point if the post. Yes they may be eating lunch somewhere but as I said if their pager goes off they HAVE to drop everything and go. Therefor technically they are on call for the entire 24hrs they are there. By the way do tell me that you realize that fire trucks don't only have equipment to fight fires on them right.

  62. Weird how this community seems to hate it's Firefighters most places like them...What's with that ?

  63. The uninformed public does at times jump to conclusions. That's why I always park in back if possible.
    I work as a Sussex County (DE) paramedic. When on duty I usually pack my meals (it's cheaper!)
    There are times however when I need to get lunch or dinner, especially if the family is busy with no meal prepared.
    I'm on duty for a long time, and quite honestly, you don't get to eat "regularly"--if the tones go off, we go on the call. Food be damned.

    Posting pictures such as this are misleading and unfair to the men/women on duty and of the Salisbury Fire Department as a whole.
    To the photographer/editor--
    Use some common sense. Or better yet, come on a ride along with the Fire Department so you may understand the daily or nightly routine of its members.
    Otherwise you all have no right to judge or complain.

  64. JoeAlbero said...
    8:19, Now you want a free lunch???

    May 18, 2014 at 8:22 AM

    Of course they do Joe. They are self proclaimed heroes, Legends in Their Own Minds!!

  65. Anonymous said...
    @ 9:35 I appreciate everything the firemen do and this has nothing to do with that. They work 24 hours on and have 3 days off! You can eat out on your 3 days off. Pack your lunch on your one day you work or take something and cook it at your kitchen in the firehouse. No one says you shouldn't eat........they they you should be all over town with the engine to do it. I don't want to pay for gas to run that engine all over town. My job gives me a half hour to eat so I can't really leave so.....I pack my lunch or take a frozen meal and run in microwave etc and by the way mine is a government job too. Rick Hoppes should be replaced because he is aware that the public that pays him doesn't want this and he condones it. He really shouldn't have that job ....he apparently is part of the problem and not the solution

    May 18, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    Rick Hoppes is fat and lazy and always has been. This guy should have never been hired much less appointed as a department head. Proves how much of a poor mayor Salisbury has. Poor leadership qualities on all levels.

  66. 9:31 said:
    "Check any fire department across country. I BEG you for one day to hope in one of these rigs and RISK your life for someone else's property?"

    With the Salisbury department you'd have to ride for a week or two.

    "You cry, cry, cry until you need them. If this is your complaint, then ALL public service people need not get food in their vehicles."

    In the federal government it is against the rules.

    "I know lets make all cops go to station, park cars get in their POV's go get lunch, come back pick up their car and go back to work."

    In the case of Police on patrol their vehicle is their office and place of work. Unlike the FF whose office and place of work is the Fire Station equipped with kitchen and all their equipment.

    "Ill also say, my body was destroyed lifting lazy fat ass people with no insurance and taking them to hospitals on YOUR tax dollars, want to complain.... Complain about that."

    We do and we have complained.

    The complaint by the people here which the FF's fail/don't care to comprehend is the use of an expensive vehicle paid for by taxpayer dollars being used to go for meals. Yes you are entitled to eat but eat at work like most people do, or send someone in their POV to pick up your food and carry it back to the station. Most people have to clock out for lunch do FF's.

    1. I tell you what, we'll click out for lunch but when your house catches fire and the pager goes off, we'll just reach over and turn it off since we are OFF THE CLOCK. What a moron.

  67. Anonymous said...
    I agree.

    May 18, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    You agree with what? Folks please explain or copy and paste what you are referring to. This statement could be referring to any comment posted. We are not mind readers.

  68. 5:47 I guess you feel there are no real cops other than the Maryland State Police. lol I am the orignal poster with over 25 years of service. My guess is your are one of the pimple faced fattys we have been hiring lately. The state police have over fifty internals going on as we speak because of idiots like yourself. I went to Pikesville when it was a real academy and we did not have to hire the bottom of the barrel like yourself. I respect all brothers and sisters who work for emergency services. I apologize to all law enforcement and fire service this clown offended.

    What can I say the State Police is not what is once was. We have been recuiting out of state for years and we still have problems getting quaility appilcants.

    I still stand with community service. Take the vehicle to lunch. Be ready to roll when needed. Be squared away at all times. It is good for the agency and the public.

    By the way the kitchen and bunk area suck if you do not have a tight crew. We used to stop in Rescue 1 in Baltimore and eat dinner all the time. These new punks n the job suck lol. Joe go easy one the F.D.

  69. This rant by May 18, 2014 at 9:31 AM proves that paid firemen are unstable and volatile.

    Look what the paid chief in California did to his girlfriend.

    Sheriff: Ex-Cal Fire battalion chief admits guilt in girlfriend’s slaying

    Paid firemen are dangerous and many of them are time bombs waiting to explode on some innocent person. Happens all the time, even in Salisbury. Salisbury has paid firemen beating up patients and molesting little children.

  70. Anonymous said...
    Weird how this community seems to hate it's Firefighters most places like them...What's with that ?

    May 18, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    Wrong answer Mr. Paid Firemen. Firemen are the same everywhere, but Salisbury is taking the heat on this blog because of the exposed corruption.

    Saying that this community hates its firemen is like a racist Democrat dropping the race card to distract from the real issue. No one is hated, just their corrupt bosses and their actions. They should be in the unemployment line.

  71. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:47 I guess you feel there are no real cops other than the Maryland State Police. lol I am the orignal poster with over 25 years of service. My guess is your are one of the pimple faced fattys we have been hiring lately. The state police have over fifty internals going on as we speak because of idiots like yourself. I went to Pikesville when it was a real academy and we did not have to hire the bottom of the barrel like yourself. I respect all brothers and sisters who work for emergency services. I apologize to all law enforcement and fire service this clown offended.

    What can I say the State Police is not what is once was. We have been recuiting out of state for years and we still have problems getting quaility appilcants.

    I still stand with community service. Take the vehicle to lunch. Be ready to roll when needed. Be squared away at all times. It is good for the agency and the public.

    By the way the kitchen and bunk area suck if you do not have a tight crew. We used to stop in Rescue 1 in Baltimore and eat dinner all the time. These new punks n the job suck lol. Joe go easy one the F.D.

    May 18, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    A loser who admits to slopping at the government trough for over 25 years. Couldn't you find a real job and work for a living? Did you really get hired by the MSP? If so you must not have been able to cut it and got a job that allowed you to sleep behind schools while on duty during your night shift.

  72. while we are at this whole cop/FD thing.

    I am in favor of reducing MSP police force. they are on rt50 every stinking sunday on way to church. lets just put a camera out there and lets cut 4 jobs and 4 cars. THAT is a great savings, and heck, the STATE will probably take in MORE money that way!!!!!

  73. 11:37 over 25years lol. Yeah I was slopping at the trough as you call it. I can tell by your post you spent the better part of your life hating cops and fire fighters for some reason. My guess is you could not muster up the balls to do it yourself. Your right we should work for free and not eat. While your fat ass sat a the dinner table on holidays and weekends we were ot there. I can say I have never slept in a cruiser nor would I. I slept with your wife instead. Have a good day hater.

  74. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    while we are at this whole cop/FD thing.

    I am in favor of reducing MSP police force. they are on rt50 every stinking sunday on way to church. lets just put a camera out there and lets cut 4 jobs and 4 cars. THAT is a great savings, and heck, the STATE will probably take in MORE money that way!!!!!

    May 18, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    I guess you got a ticket now quit trying to hijack this thread. MSP troopers are needed, but you paid firemen are not.

    Get a real job please.


  75. Anonymous said...

    retired Firefighter...

    Ill also say, my body was destroyed lifting lazy fat ass people with no insurance and taking them to hospitals on YOUR tax dollars, want to complain.... Complain about that.

    May 18, 2014 at 9:31 AM

    Are you saying if they had insurance your body wouldn't be destroyed???

    No your body is destroyed because you spent your entire career riding around looking for your next meal. You people are thieves who are nothing but fat, lazy slobs. You paid firemen are no better than the entitled crowd that voted for Obama. By the way we noticed that your lame union helped pay for Obama's campaign.

  76. 10:58 AM no the paid firemen don't have to clock out for lunch. They get paid for breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as their multiple smoking breaks. They also get paid to sleep while other employees who work night shifts have to stay awake and actually work for a living. These paid firemen need their sleep so that they can be rested up the next day to work their other full time job so they can pay for their jacked up trucks with big rims and tires.

    Must be nice to be a paid fireman in Salisbury.

  77. When its lunch time for you FF why dont half go take lunch or dinner (in a personal vehicle), then when you get back the other half goes, that way if there were to be a emergency that there would be someone at the station that could respond asap I don't know how many is required to be at the station in a given time, but should be at least 6 to 8, that way there is 3 to 4 there if an emergency does arise during these breaks. just saying

    1. There is only one staffed fire truck at each station during the day (weekdays). That 4-5 firefighters on the truck at each station.

      See this is why our citizens need more education about how our fire service works before they complain about it.

  78. I am a fan of Chicago Fire tv show and they have a kitchen and eat there while on duty. Did I not read that stations have kitchens???

  79. 12:40 cameras can't respond to accidents, call for assistance or save a life.

  80. and you are all a bunch of cry babies you need to get a life

  81. Our Tax Dollars pay for this tripMay 18, 2014 at 5:09 PM

    I am sure the Fire Truck does not get 35 miles per Gallon with Obama's GAS prices...

    The best thing to have done was go back to the station, park the Fire Truck,

    and car-pool to eat...

  82. Anonymous said...
    11:37 over 25years lol. Yeah I was slopping at the trough as you call it. I can tell by your post you spent the better part of your life hating cops and fire fighters for some reason. My guess is you could not muster up the balls to do it yourself. Your right we should work for free and not eat. While your fat ass sat a the dinner table on holidays and weekends we were ot there. I can say I have never slept in a cruiser nor would I. I slept with your wife instead. Have a good day hater.

    May 18, 2014 at 12:52 PM

    It's punks like you that give cops a bad name. My wife doesn't like gay guys so I know you didn't have a chance. How was your evening in Rehoboth Beach last night?

  83. So if there is only one staffed fire truck at each station.....and there are 4 or 5 at each station.....3 or 4 stay behind and ONE goes out and picks up lunch. If there is a call they (the one person) can respond from where ever they maybe picking up lunch from.
    See problem solved and you wont be putting wear and tear on the trucks and burning up needless fuel.

  84. Why do you people keep arguing about the same thing week after week? Salisbury does not need a full-time paid fire department. Many urban areas are covered by volunteer departments with 1 or 2 paid men per fire house per day/night. That being said, Salisbury is never going to go back to a volunteer system because once a district goes paid, it rarely ever goes back to volunteer. Too many people being paid to sit around and wait for fire and enjoying a government paycheck and benefits. It is waste of time to keep arguing about it.

  85. Oh come on folks, what is the harm??? Everyone is entitled to a lunch or dinner break...they are still on call regardless and would respond in the event of a fire call. How can you extract the straw from my eye with the rafter in yours???? Let's give these trained folks a break!

  86. I won't post this as "Anonymous" even though that appears to be the trend I hope the firefighters take that for two things 1. I know many of you paid and unpaid. 2. I really hope to get honest answers. First how much was line item for that first class kitchen the taxpayers paid for in the new firehouse & why don't you use it since I thought all of the amenities were to keep you onsite at the firehouse for emergency calls instead of out and about for two or more meals a day? I mean there's a work out room should these local paparazzi start checking behind the local gyms at peak workout times for fire equipment parked out back, for the 6-8 of you that exercise? Doesn't the station have a Suburban or some other more practical and less costly to operate for these travels? The secondary concern is someone rear ends a Suburban it's $2500.00 at the body shop and it's all good an engine in the same scenario may cost $10,000 in repairs and being out of service for an extended period of time. It just seems like some of you guys that I know have brains would be making some progress on making smart policy changes.We won't even discuss the good ship "BPT" tied up downtown or any of the other hot button topics as I don't want the comments do blow up into the thousands.That's just a few questions I'll throw out there and please no name calling I'm being nice and asking legitimate questions.

  87. Ignorance is a bliss!

  88. Anonymous said...
    Oh come on folks, what is the harm??? Everyone is entitled to a lunch or dinner break...they are still on call regardless and would respond in the event of a fire call. How can you extract the straw from my eye with the rafter in yours???? Let's give these trained folks a break!

    May 18, 2014 at 8:41 PM

    Give them another break? They get paid extremely well, they get paid to wash their own trucks, the get paid to sleep at night while supposedly working, they have 2 dozen recliners and large screen TV's, they have several xBoxes and Wii's, they have a million dollar commercial kitchen, they get to work 2 full time jobs because they get to sleep at night, they have 2 brand new fire stations, all new fire trucks, new tower truck, new haz mat truck, new million dollar fire boat, etc. and they need more of a break? No one says they can't eat, but we don't like paying them to ride around in a million dollar fire truck and burning fuel at $4.00 a gallon. They also get a paid break every time they eat. I wish I had the same perks at my job.

    1. They get paid less than the national average yet run more calls than the national average on a ratio if staffed apparatus to call volume.

  89. Anonymous said...
    Why do you people keep arguing about the same thing week after week? Salisbury does not need a full-time paid fire department. Many urban areas are covered by volunteer departments with 1 or 2 paid men per fire house per day/night. That being said, Salisbury is never going to go back to a volunteer system because once a district goes paid, it rarely ever goes back to volunteer. Too many people being paid to sit around and wait for fire and enjoying a government paycheck and benefits. It is waste of time to keep arguing about it.

    May 18, 2014 at 8:26 PM

    Never say never ***hole!

  90. Chip Carper they have a state of the art gym that they never use. The fire chief is way overweight and he is to lazy to walk to the gym to work out and lose weight.

  91. You would think the mayor would have enough brains to do something about this corruption posted on here. There is always over 100 comments about the fire department. Instead of Jim Ireton getting rid of the problem he makes Hoppes hide the call volumes on the web site. So much for transparency.


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