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Sunday, May 25, 2014

One Blogger Mentally Challenged

I got a phone call not long ago telling me that JT put up an article about the Daily Times and their spending practices. 

It seems this Idiot, (once again) just couldn't accept that Salisbury News was WEEKS ahead of anyone else on this information and because it is gaining popularity, he has to put in his mentally challenged two cents.

I say mentally challenged because when you look at the BOE and the Executives Office expenses, IT IS FUNDED BY THE TAXPAYERS. 

JT, (so I'm told) is going after the DT's expenses. A PRIVATELY HELD/OWNED COMPANY. They have NOTHING to do with taxpayers and the DT's only has to be accountable to the owner of the company and the IRS.

So please, someone help me out here. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GUY DOING? Did I miss something here? In fact, their expenses are PRIVATE and NOT public information. I'm starting to smell a lawsuit and I hope they do go after JT for possibly stealing corporate inside information.

Being that JT is already on disability and collecting monthly checks for alleged physical problems, he may be eligible for a mental illness check to boot. In fact, after today I'm confident he qualifies.

My guess is this will be yet another one of those posts he puts up and then takes down because it shows just how stupid this guy is and or because he lied and possibly broke the law..


  1. Joe, You shouldn't waste your time on these three oxygen-wasting, disabled people!

    Neither should I for that matter.......

  2. Look it's JT at an all you can eat BUFFETT!!

  3. He's the end result of our welfare society. That dump site is the perfect place for him.

  4. Not that his site was ever good, but man has his site gone downhill lately. I heard things aren't going so well at home, not putting up his end of marriage if you know what I mean

  5. I was driving on 13 south trying to get get back to work on my lunch break. I picked up a burger from Burger King, and when stopped in traffic, I took a bite and this fat slob was taking a picture of me and posted on his hate blog about distracted drivers. I think he really took it because it was the first time he ever saw someone chewing their food when they ate it.

  6. I saw that post this morning and thought it was bizarre, to put it mildly. Comparing government spending to a private entity's spending habits is just something anyone who is informed just brushes off. Rush's "Low Information" descriptive comes to mind.

  7. The Daily Times is owned by Gannett which is a publicly traded company.

    But it still doesn't matter how they spend their money.

  8. Joe, He has to put something up on his site besides all those Missing People and Unsolved Murders posts. You take those away, what does he have 2 maybe 4 stories a day.

  9. i'm sorry, but that picture makes it look like somebody just threw away JT

  10. I read it and quite frankly, I thought it was satirical in nature, tongue in cheek, if you will. I believe it was a commentary on the absurdity of the nitpicking in the Times article. If you want a lawsuit, keep calling someone mentally unstable. That actually might qualify.

  11. Look he can stand up. Proves he uses that scooter because he is lazy.

  12. Who is that tub of lard?

  13. Breaking News --

    Whale found in trash dump

  14. 4:49 pm....Amen to that seriously watching his lift in the back of his truck bringing his motorscooter out of the back at pork in the park then him get out walk and get in it just means lose weight you could walk.

  15. 1:03 So what?
    What difference does it make if it's a publicly traded company?
    It's not Government that is beholding to TAX PAYERS. It is a private company that is beholding to private investors who WILLINGLY invest money in the company. Government DEMANDS you pay taxes so they can decide how to spend it. Big difference idiot.

  16. 9:47pm apparently has a reading and comprehension disability.

    It is not a private company if it is publicly traded and sentence #2 clearly stated that despite it being a public company it still doesn't matter how they spend their money, (as long as it is ok with their shareholders).
    Wear your idiot badge proudly.

  17. 9:47 - on the off chance it is taxpayer subsidized and a publicly traded company then it does matter how they spend their money.
    Lame rant from a narrow mind.

  18. @ 2:12 AND don't forget all the Andy's place "ads" I think they must give JT free food for the exchange of their advertising. Boy he doesn't look like he needs anyone giving him food. He needs to go to a fat farm, lose weight, then he could walk and actually get a real job!


  19. JT said...

    YUMMY!! I am in Hog Heaven!

  20. Sticks and stones will break his bones , but names will never hurt him. Shame on you people , he not a tub of $hit , he's just heavy a little bit , not the sharpest crayon in the pack , but smarts he doesn't lack , he's living high on the hog , thanks to your dollar and this blog.

  21. 4:31 JT should put your post to a rap and he will be the next white Biggie Smalls

  22. Anonymous said...
    Joe, He has to put something up on his site besides all those Missing People and Unsolved Murders posts. You take those away, what does he have 2 maybe 4 stories a day.

    May 23, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    I doubt he has that many "stories" a day. If it wasn't for his one mole in Crisfield he wouldn't have anything to post.

  23. Anonymous said...
    @ 2:12 AND don't forget all the Andy's place "ads" I think they must give JT free food for the exchange of their advertising. Boy he doesn't look like he needs anyone giving him food. He needs to go to a fat farm, lose weight, then he could walk and actually get a real job!

    May 25, 2014 at 9:00 AM

    Also proves that hardly anyone reads his blog because Andy's Place is always dead when I ride by there. I refuse to patronize them because of the fat blogger posting pics of their nasty looking food every day.


  24. Anonymous said...

    May 25, 2014 at 12:11 PM


  25. Why is everyone acting like they are in grade school with all the fat jokes? Really?Criticize the man for whatever issues you have with his site but all the comments about his wife and him are childish...

  26. I heard That Andy's made JT leave because he was eating too much during the lunch buffet. He was in the place for like 2 hours and ate 6 pizzas, then was headed back for more when the owner blew up on him.

  27. His buffet is the one behind him in the picture! It's hard to eat all of that LOLOLOL

  28. Is'nt he supposed to be disabled?I'm ok and would'nt walk in the landfill because I might fall and twist an ankle.

  29. Michael Swartz' buddy.

  30. How does he keep his GOVERNMENT job?

    This is JUST NOT FAIR!!

  31. Joe, hope u will put this on your blog. I found out yesterday 2 peeps in somerset county planing and zoneing have been steeling from peeple they r building houses for. Some person name mark and jeff. R they going to try and hide this. Us peeple work hard to give them a pay check and they steel medal to turn in from houses they tore down. The comisioners need to no this. They can run but can't hide.


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