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Saturday, May 17, 2014

O'Malley Vetoes Bill Halting Wind Project

Governor Martin O'Malley has vetoed a bill that would have created a 13-month moratorium on the development of tall wind turbines within 56 miles of the U.S. Naval Air Station Patuxent River base.

The bill would have delayed construction on wind turbines to wait for a study on how they could affect radar use around the base.

In a veto letter sent to House Speaker Michael Busch, O'Malley said that he is committed to protecting the jobs at Pax River, but he says "there are meaningful safeguards in place that render the bill unnecessary."

He adds that the real threat to Pax River, is "not an array of wind turbines on the lower Eastern Shore...but it's rising sea levels due to climate change."


  1. What a jerk, he would do anything to impress Obama. The democrats finally pass ONE bill that makes sense and O'Malley vetoes it.

  2. 100 years from now when all these wind and solar farms are built and massive weather changes have occurred due to the disruption of the natural energy what will the environmentalists be saying then.

  3. Will someone inform the Gov that rising sea levels and climate change are just an Al Gore myth!

  4. I for one will be glad to see the jobs and revenue that these wind farms will bring to Somerset county.

  5. Will be very few jobs. The construction will be done by some company contracted from out of state using a bunch of illegals for labor and a few skilled individuals who don't live in the area.
    The regular maintenance will be accomplished by an employee for the electric company who is no longer doing maintenance at the coal fired plant that is replaced by the wind farm.
    The only locals that will profit are the people whose land is bought or leased to put the turbines on.

  6. Trouble is on the way !!!

  7. Doesn't the house and senate have the Ba$$s to overide the veto? This bill passed with an overwhelming majority of votes.

  8. Not a surprise - look who he appointed to the Wicomico Court earlier this year!

  9. Wind only increases reliance on coal because it is not a constant source of energy. The wind resource in Somerset is marginal/poor. This project is guaranteed to kill 20 eagles per year and impede on Pax River's operations. Something smells and it is not fish!

  10. By the way, who are the people in the picture. Looks like the wind developer had to pay people to pretend they were from Somerset.


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