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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Nightmarish Crime Gets New Name, Stiffer Penalties: Home Invasion

ROCKVILLE, Md. -- Victims of home invasions are offering praise for a new Maryland law that will make the nightmarish crime legally distinct from burglary and carry a stiffer penalty starting in October.

Monique Anderson will likely never forget the night in January 2011 when armed men stormed into her Silver Spring home while her new baby was cradled in her mother-in-law's arms.

"It was definitely terrifying because I just brought this little girl into the world and I was scared that it was going to be her last day," Anderson says.

"A home invasion is different from a burglary, a home invasion is just not the same," says Montgomery County State's Attorney John McCarthy, who brought together crime victims who support the new law and state legislators who helped guide the legislation through the Maryland General Assembly. The governor signed the bill into law April 14.


  1. The penalty would be real stiff if it weren't for the gun-control advocates trying to disarm the citizens instead of bolstering the stand-your-ground / castle doctrine laws....

    Because the majority of the 'invaders' are minorities and they would get killed more often....I'm not sorry that I don't see anything wrong with that!

  2. I hope this new classification allows for the justifiable defense of your home and life without being charged with murder.


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