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Sunday, May 18, 2014


Mayor James Ireton, Jr. is pleased to announce the formation of the Fire Service Mediation Team for the City of Salisbury. The team is composed of Salisbury Fire Chief Richard Hoppes, Deputy Fire Chief E. Lee Smith, City Council Vice President Laura Mitchell and AFSCME Staff Representative Julia Glanz. The Fire Service Mediation Team will represent the city in upcoming mediation sessions. “Our team will represent us well, with the expressed purpose of hammering out a fair, equitable, and paid for fire service agreement. The city team will not vote to approve an agreement that has an adverse effect on any other fire district or fire house. That being said, I expect the county to lead in making sure that the service we provide for them is paid for,” said Mayor Ireton.

Chief Hoppes joined the department in 1985 as a volunteer at Station 2. In 1988, he joined the career division and has served as Firefighter, Training Officer, Lieutenant, Captain, Deputy Chief and Fire Chief. Chief Hoppes continued the platform of Firefighter safety and increased training that was instituted while serving as Deputy Chief under Chief See. He has promoted higher education and made funding available for members wishing to attend college for career development. Chief Hoppes directed a successful SAFER grant application which provided funding for 12 new Firefighter positions for the department. During his tenure Chief Hoppes has guided the department through one of the most difficult economic periods since the Great Depression.

Deputy Chief Smith is a lifetime resident of Salisbury, and is proud to have served in several capacities within the City of Salisbury Fire Department since beginning in 1986 as a member of Station #1. Smith currently holds the rank of Deputy Fire Chief of Volunteer Services, and work closely with the men and women of the organization, as well as working with other departments in the County. He also serves on committees within the Wicomico County Fire Chief’s Association, as well as currently serving as Secretary of the Wicomico County Fire Fighter’s Association.

City Council Vice President Laura Mitchell was elected in 2011. Over the last three years, Mrs. Mitchell has worked to bring all parties to the table to discuss the issues and help reach equitable solutions. Mrs. Mitchell has an accounting background that gives her an excellent understanding of the economics of the Fire Service District issue and the challenges the lack of agreement presents for the City and its residents.

Julia Glanz works for the American Federation for State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME MD) as a Staff Representative, where she protects the rights of working state employees. She graduated from Salisbury University in 2013 with her Masters in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution. In 2011 she received her bachelor’s from SU in Business Management and a minor in Political Science. She recently became a resident of the Salisbury Downtown Plaza and looks forward to helping revitalize the City. Glanz is also a volunteer mediator through the Bosserman Center for Conflict Resolution.


  1. Not sure how I feel about this... I know the County used to provide SFD with $100,000 a year for fire and EMS services. I can see the City carrying the County to the cleaners! Especially knowing the SFD is trying to find money for the SAFER grant personnel. Wonder how the Volunteer Corporations of SFD feel about this, considering Station 2 wanted to leave the City about 10 or so years ago. Perhaps the County should say keep your expensive trucks in the City and reach out to Hebron, Delmar, Fruitland and Parsonsburg to cover the SFD district that falls in the county..

  2. Give the County territory to the County stations. Screw Salisbury!

  3. Question: What did the Deltas cough into their hands when Dean Wormer announced the Frat's suspensions...

    Clue .. it is one of Jimmy Ireton's favorite pastimes ...

  4. 8:20 PM I feel the same way!!


  5. Rick Hoppes: "He has promoted higher education and made funding available for members wishing to attend college for career development."

    Let me get this right. Rick Hoppes became a paid fireman in 1988 and just did get his so called bachelors degree recently and? And a fake online degree at that! It took that clown 25 years to accomplish something and Ireton says he as promoted higher education? LMAO!!

    Oh and he made funding available for fireman that wanted to go to college? Did he take that out of his own pocket? LMAO!! Know silly Jimbeau the tax payers made that funding available you stupid idiot.

  6. It's your story 8:51 you tell us.

  7. The Flyer: Salisbury University's Student Voice

    Marriage equality close for MD’ers



    News Editor

    Over the past few weeks, a group of Salisbury University students have been covering the city inch by inch, fighting a grassroots battle for marriage equality.

    Backed by the organization Equality Maryland, a lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual civil rights and advocacy group, graduate student Julia Glanz has been coordinating volunteers to go everywhere from farmers markets, neighborhoods and SU’s campus in search of support for the Civil Marriage Protection Act.

    The bill, which would legalize same-sex marriage in Maryland, is set for a vote in about three weeks. If passed, Maryland would become the eighth state to allow same-sex marriage.

    “We’re really optimistic,” Glanz said. “The bill came close last year, but it’s the first time the governor has actually sponsored it.”

    While Governor Martin O’Malley has supported similar movements in the past, his sponsoring of the bill is expected to influence legislators to vote in favor.

    “We are going to be successful in this legislation by recognizing the dignity in one and other, by recognizing the common humanity that all of us share,” O’Malley said at a press conference on Jan. 24. “ (It’s) what allows us to look into the eyes of every child in our state and say that this child is a child of god and that this child is worthy of the protection of the laws equally that all of us come together to support in order to make our state a better place, a more just place, a more caring place.”

    But their position is not without opposition.

    On Jan. 31, hundreds of local religious leaders and citizens, for and against same-sex marriage, showed up at a Maryland senate committee to heavily debate the issue.

    The very same day, Glanz and other SU students were out in Red Square gathering signatures on postcards in support of the cause.

    “We’re gathering these cards to show legislators that their constituents are in fact for gay marriage,” Glanz said. “We got 140 in just one afternoon, and when we drop them off a huge pile of these in the end, I think it will really make an impact.”

    Glanz estimated that at least 90 percent of the people she has talked to in Salisbury support same-sex marriage. Joining her last Thursday in gaining signatures was SU junior Julie Gellman.

    “For the most part, students have all been willing to sign,” Gellman said. “I’m finding that Salisbury is really polite because everyone has been so nice and supportive, even the people who said no.”

    A recent poll by “The Washington Post” agreed with their observation, reporting the highest record of support for same-sex marriage in the state, with only 44 percent of Marylanders opposed.

    “It’s important to me because I know a lot of gay, lesbian and bisexual people, and I want them to have the same rights that I do,” Gellman said. “Every couple, no matter what, deserves to express their love like everyone else.”

    However, even if the bill does pass, their battle will not be over yet. The opposition is already planning to petition for a referendum vote, meaning that despite its expected success, the ruling will go back to a state-wide vote in November.

    This action is not unheard of. After legalizing same-sex marriages in California, religious groups in the state followed the same procedure to overturn the government’s decision in 2008.

    Until then, Glanz will be continuing the fight, searching for new volunteers to help gather signatures, call legislators and go to Annapolis for hearings.

    An independent event is also planned by the Student Government Association, the Graduate Student Council and the Institution for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement, to open the discussion of same-sex marriage to the campus on Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Wicomico Room.

  8. Look at the proposed budget for 2015 on the county web site, the following is from that budget:

    SFD gets $465,000 for Ambulances and EMS service from the county, another 125,00 for Fire and apparatus. see page 12 it is right there.

    That is for Salisbury alone. $590,000 total. Oh and if the ambulance goes in to the county and takes a patient there is a bill to the person. Who gets the money from that bill? Oh SFD.
    So SFD is not operating in the county for free, this is just a grab for more money.

    Look at the proposed budget on page 13 and you will see 1.4 million in grants for the volunteer companies. 16, 2, and 1 volunteers are part of that grant. They will receive about $105,000 per volunteer company. That is a total of about $315,000. Delmar ought to bill for the City of Salisbury every time they roll out of a door for reported apartment fires like they did today. Of course the city would say that's not fair. But by my math the City should be paying Delmar VFD about $5000.00 every time a fire truck comes out of the door.

  9. Julia Glanz is not the person I want representing me on any committee in Salisbury or Wicomico County. She is a very dangerous person.

    Marriage equality close for MD’ers


    News Editor

    Over the past few weeks, a group of Salisbury University students have been covering the city inch by inch, fighting a grassroots battle for marriage equality.

    Backed by the organization Equality Maryland, a lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual civil rights and advocacy group, graduate student Julia Glanz has been coordinating volunteers to go everywhere from farmers markets, neighborhoods and SU’s campus in search of support for the Civil Marriage Protection Act.

    The bill, which would legalize same-sex marriage in Maryland, is set for a vote in about three weeks. If passed, Maryland would become the eighth state to allow same-sex marriage.

    “We’re really optimistic,” Glanz said. “The bill came close last year, but it’s the first time the governor has actually sponsored it.”

    While Governor Martin O’Malley has supported similar movements in the past, his sponsoring of the bill is expected to influence legislators to vote in favor.

    “We are going to be successful in this legislation by recognizing the dignity in one and other, by recognizing the common humanity that all of us share,” O’Malley said at a press conference on Jan. 24. “ (It’s) what allows us to look into the eyes of every child in our state and say that this child is a child of god and that this child is worthy of the protection of the laws equally that all of us come together to support in order to make our state a better place, a more just place, a more caring place.”

    But their position is not without opposition.

    On Jan. 31, hundreds of local religious leaders and citizens, for and against same-sex marriage, showed up at a Maryland senate committee to heavily debate the issue.

    The very same day, Glanz and other SU students were out in Red Square gathering signatures on postcards in support of the cause.

    “We’re gathering these cards to show legislators that their constituents are in fact for gay marriage,” Glanz said. “We got 140 in just one afternoon, and when we drop them off a huge pile of these in the end, I think it will really make an impact.”

    Glanz estimated that at least 90 percent of the people she has talked to in Salisbury support same-sex marriage. Joining her last Thursday in gaining signatures was SU junior Julie Gellman.

    “For the most part, students have all been willing to sign,” Gellman said. “I’m finding that Salisbury is really polite because everyone has been so nice and supportive, even the people who said no.”

    A recent poll by “The Washington Post” agreed with their observation, reporting the highest record of support for same-sex marriage in the state, with only 44 percent of Marylanders opposed.

    “It’s important to me because I know a lot of gay, lesbian and bisexual people, and I want them to have the same rights that I do,” Gellman said. “Every couple, no matter what, deserves to express their love like everyone else.”

    However, even if the bill does pass, their battle will not be over yet. The opposition is already planning to petition for a referendum vote, meaning that despite its expected success, the ruling will go back to a state-wide vote in November.

    This action is not unheard of. After legalizing same-sex marriages in California, religious groups in the state followed the same procedure to overturn the government’s decision in 2008.

    Until then, Glanz will be continuing the fight, searching for new volunteers to help gather signatures, call legislators and go to Annapolis for hearings.

    An independent event is also planned by the Student Government Association, the Graduate Student Council and the Institution for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement, to open the discussion of same-sex marriage to the campus on Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Wicomico Room.

    1. So supporting marriage equality makes her a dangerous person? It's dangerous to allow people more rights while not eroding anyone else's?

  10. Mrs. Mitchell has an accounting background that gives her an excellent understanding of the economics of the Fire Service District issue and the challenges the lack of agreement presents for the City and its residents.

    You mean she has a strong background in mooching off the taxpayers for welfare, food stamps and section 8 housing! With this background she will be able to help the city and fire department mooch off the county tax payers for more money.

    I have noticed there are no Wicomico County elected or appointed officials on this committee so it will obviously lopsided. Especially since Ms. Glanz is best buddies of Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook working under the guise of the American Federation for State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME MD). Nothing more than a Union that is going to tell Ireton what he wants to hear.

  11. AFSCME supports the democratic party, what's up with them being appointed and they have nothing to do with the city?

  12. What does someone's position on same-sex marriage have to do with their ability to serve on a fire services committee?

  13. Mayor appoints?
    Thats why the teachers association is in the state it is in now. Hw is one of the a$$es that was leading it.Screwed it up just like Salisbury.
    Didn't see that anywhere when the local teachers got lambasted for overthrowing the jerks.

  14. 10:41 and marriage equality has had zero effect on anyone but the gay people it helped. The sky did not fall.

  15. Anonymous said...
    What does someone's position on same-sex marriage have to do with their ability to serve on a fire services committee?

    May 13, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    It proves they are left winged liberal Kooks who should not be representing anyone on a matter involving how tax dollars are spent.

    So which homo friend of Ireton are you?

  16. Anonymous said...
    10:41 and marriage equality has had zero effect on anyone but the gay people it helped. The sky did not fall.

    May 13, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    It proves that Marylanders and Democrats are sick puppies who need to be institutionalized in a mental facility. Men having anal sex is about as gross and immoral as you can get.

  17. Joe this is one article that should be posted at the top to show and prove how Jim Ireton and Rick Hoppes are trying to rape the tax payers in Wicomico County. This is serious business.

  18. I've got a thought. Why didn't Jim Ireton name someone from the fire department that was forced out or left with the last 2 years. I would like to hear their input on this issue. I bet if the truth be known you will see that this is a scam the Jim Ireton and the Hoppes guy are involved in.

  19. I saw this piece in the Daily Rag about this story. "The nearly $1 million that the city receives every year from the county leaves the municipal government $1.3 in the red, city officials say. They want the county to pony up more cash."

    Ironically this is about what it will cost to keep the SAFER grant paid firemen employed when the free money grant from the FEDs runs out. Don't let these clowns pull the wool over your eyes again.

    If the city and the fire department claim that they are $1.3 Million in the red then maybe they should stop self dispatching their fire trucks on every ambulance call. Maybe they should recruit and retain more volunteers. Maybe they should let Delmar, Parsonsburg, Fruitland and Hebron volunteer fire companies take over the fire calls in the County outside of the city limits. No one is demanding that the Salisbury Fire Department runs a fire truck on every ambulance calls. No one demands that a fire truck responds on every MVC that the ambulance is dispatched to. Anyone with half a brain will tell you they are dispatching fire trucks on these calls for job security and to get paid more money from the county.

    I would encourage every citizen to contact Rick Pollitt, the County Council members and the candidates for the upcoming County elections and tell them to say NO WAY!!

  20. What does the next County Executive Bob Culver have to say about this?

  21. Hoppes has been stealing from the tax payers for many years now. He must go and hopefully a new mayor will send him packing.

  22. Anonymous said...
    What does someone's position on same-sex marriage have to do with their ability to serve on a fire services committee?

    May 13, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    Someone's position as well as the person in questions lifestyle has a lot to do with making decisions or recommendations on how my hard earned tax dollars are spent. Their lifestyle is a serious mental illness.

    1. "They're lifestyle is a serious mental illness"

      You will be laughed out of any political debate with a ridiculous statement like that. Please look up a definition of mental illness. Please go on a never ending search for a peer reviewed journal publication where the specified "lifestyle" is deemed a mental illness, then keep your misappropriated hate to yourself.

  23. Part of the problem is that not all of Salisbury is in actually considered in Salisbury. There are streets that are in the city limits but considered county because the aren't annexed into the city. So your neighbor across the street might ba a county resident but not a city resident. Let Salisbury clean all that up first.

  24. 5:18
    English wasn't your favorite subject in school was it?

  25. Anonymous said...
    Part of the problem is that not all of Salisbury is in actually considered in Salisbury. There are streets that are in the city limits but considered county because the aren't annexed into the city. So your neighbor across the street might ba a county resident but not a city resident. Let Salisbury clean all that up first.

    May 13, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    You can thank that in part by the greedy liberals with their illegal pipe stem annexations. Remember the idiot Comagees and Barry Tilmon with Groaf pays for Groaf.

  26. Anonymous said...
    "They're lifestyle is a serious mental illness"

    You will be laughed out of any political debate with a ridiculous statement like that. Please look up a definition of mental illness. Please go on a never ending search for a peer reviewed journal publication where the specified "lifestyle" is deemed a mental illness, then keep your misappropriated hate to yourself.

    May 13, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    It definitely was a mental illness until soft hearted whackos like you said it wasn't.

  27. Anonymous said...
    "They're lifestyle is a serious mental illness"

    You will be laughed out of any political debate with a ridiculous statement like that. Please look up a definition of mental illness. Please go on a never ending search for a peer reviewed journal publication where the specified "lifestyle" is deemed a mental illness, then keep your misappropriated hate to yourself.

    May 13, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    What does this have to do with a political debate? I don't remember hearing about this being a political debate? What are we missing here?

  28. Way too many Shore Billies take themselves way too serious


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