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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Maryland Lt. Gov. Brown Releases Jobs Plan

Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown released a $112 million plan Tuesday to grow Maryland’s economy over four years, if he becomes governor.

Brown, who is running in the Democratic primary, and his running mate,Ken Ulman, released the five-point plan. It focuses on using more public-private partnerships to pay for infrastructure and improving training for jobs in high demand. The lieutenant governor’s plan also calls for steps to grow the small and entrepreneurial business community and creating a more transparent government. He also wants to create a commission to study tax reform in the state in the first 100 days of a Brown administration.

“The Brown-Ulman jobs plan is designed to create jobs, spur economic growth and strengthen Maryland’s partnership with the private sector so that we can create the nation’s best business climate,” according to an executive summary of the proposal.


  1. Another complete idiot......

  2. This ought to be good. Jerk Brown couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. Look how he screwed up MD's health care exchange which is now costing tax payers millions and millions more dollar then it should have, had a competent literate person been in charge. Brown is a nothing who unfortunately will get elected because of the black vote. Blacks would vote for a child rapist murderer just because they were black with no regards to a person's competency or honesty.


  4. Democrats created this mess..why think they offer any solutions...all lies slick BS ..to get elected then its back to bussiness as usual...JUST SAY NO TO DEMOCRAPS LIES

  5. yeah yeah yeah just another liar like Obama. Instead of telling us what you are GOING to do, which in actuality means nothing tell us how you PLAN on doing it. That's the question people need to ask-not WHAT but HOW. Unfortunately most of MD and esp those inclined to vote for brown are in the very low IQ level.

  6. Anthony Brown is just more of the same, and this demonstrates that fact. He is not even elected and already has plans to spend millions of dollars on programs that have proven to be ineffective during the current left wing administration. Tax and spend is all the Maryland Democrats, or any Democrat for that matter, seem to believe in. They feel every problem can be solved by throwing money at it. You want a jobs plan? Give some regulatory relief to Maryland businesses.

  7. where does he PLAN on getting all this $$ ? watch out teachers, is there anything left in your pension PLANS?

  8. just get out of the way and let business do what business does! we don't need or want a 5 point plan. we don't need government investing (wasting) our tax money. less regulation and taxation = a thriving business environment, which in turn will grow the tax base and take care of infrastructure itself. Of course you have to stand guard over the legislature to ensure funds are appropriated accordingly.

  9. Have we not had enough of this dem BS?


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