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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Marathon Suspect: Statements Should Be Thrown Out

Lawyers for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev argued Wednesday that statements he made to authorities after he was arrested should be thrown out because he was questioned for 36 hours in a hospital room while suffering from gunshot wounds and without being told his rights.

The lawyers said in a flurry of pretrial court filings that federal agents began questioning Tsarnaev about 20 hours after he arrived at the hospital in critical condition and his statements can't be considered voluntary.

Federal investigators questioned him days after last year's deadly bombing without formally telling him of his right to a lawyer under a public safety exception allowed when there's concern about an ongoing threat. But defense attorneys said the questioning continued "despite the fact that he quickly allayed concerns about any continuing threat to public safety, repeatedly asked for a lawyer, and begged to rest." They said his treatment included painkillers that impaired his judgment and increased his susceptibility to pressure.



  1. Why is he still alive?
    He should have been hanged or blown to bits a year ago.

  2. If he's gonna get off on a technicality, release him in Southie and he'll be taken care of properly!

  3. I suggest we shoot his lawyers.

  4. They should have ended this in the boat!

  5. All this malarkey and bs these lawyers go thru, just put him in prison and throw the key away.

  6. This is what happens when you let Obama dictate that Terrorist have rights...

  7. i 2nd anon 10:53's motion

  8. He should be treated like a terrorist also..

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    i 2nd anon 10:53's motion

    May 8, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    And I hope you get the same treatment.

  10. I have no idea what was said or what the details of the case are. But knowing that our system is unrepairably corrupt I have to look at every single occurrence from the standpoint of innocent until proven guilty.

    Look in the mirror people. This is you in a few years when the American public is forced take matters into their own hands. Whether you are guilty or not people will be calling for your head.

  11. 11:39 AM we all have rights as humans and the constitution says that. Foreign or not it recognizes that. So guilty or not he will stand trial and go through the judicial process.
    Would you prefer that he go through the unrecognised secret courts that have been established? If so then you belong elsewhere. If you believe in the constitution then you believe in it 100%. After 200+ years this document has been looked at from all directions, opinions written and it has been tested. It is also a living document and can be changed so if you dont like it get started changing it. Otherwise remember your principles and don't spout idiocracy. I believe it was Bush that tried to say that enemy combatants don't have rights which is also B.S. Being amoral will not bring anyone back to life but taking the high road will ensure that all our freedoms will be guaranteed.

  12. Shoot all the SOB's


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