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Friday, May 30, 2014

Dog Found - Pittsville, Maryland

Looks like a Chesapeake Bay Retriever/lab mix- brown color with gold/brown eyes with a collar, no name tag.

Located near Railroad Avenue, Pittsville, Maryland. Looked lost but very friendly.

Cell phone # 443-783-3735.


  1. If u find the owner please encourage them to put I'd on the dog. Embroidered collar or just use a permanent marker and write name and phone no. Call the humane soc. to see of anyone has called about the dog. 410 749-7603. Thank you for trying to helpsm's best fried!

  2. Micro chip your pets people. Most dogs never find there homes for this reason. Collars and tags can fall off. Beautiful dog. Hope the owners are found.

  3. You are assuming that whomever finds the pet is going to take them to either a shelter or a veterinarian's office to be scanned, 3:20. This is not as common as people would like to think according to our well respected veterinarian.
    In our case when we got our dog, he advised against micro chipping as the jury is still out on the cancer connection. He even went as far as to say he has seen himself some very aggressive forms of cancers popping up and micro chip was usually present in all of the animals. Cats more than dogs. Purdue U of Vet Med has also published instances where the micro chip has been encapsulated by cancerous tumors with metastasizing at alarming rates to other organs and body systems. Studies so far have only been in mice but those studies show the cancer started at the site of the implant. With pets the studies aren't as definitive because the cancer isn't caught until it has spread so the origin isn't known.

  4. I am the one who found the dog and I had him scanned and no chip. Such a great dog but noone has responded.


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