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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Karl Rove: Hillary May Have Brain Damage

Republican operative Karl Rove said during a conference last week that Hillary Clinton may have brain damage, the New York Post's Page Six reports.
According to Page Six, Rove was at a conference near Los Angeles on Thursday when he said, "Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that."

Rove repeated the claim multiple times, according to Page Six. A representative for Clinton told the Post, "Please assure Dr. Rove she’s 100 percent."



  1. “By the way, I’m no Hillary fan. But if Karl Rove thinks pushing the notion that Hillary’s concussion made her cuckoo is a good idea, then he’s the one with brain damage. How did he survive wasting all that donor money and not winning anything in the last election anyhow?”

    Maureen Dowd NYT 5/14/2014

  2. Karl Roves actions come the Democrats Election playbook

  3. Karl Rove has brain damage.

  4. She's had brain damage for a long time. Forgot details surrounding the selling of their interest in Whitewater. She couldn't remember where the Rose Law Firm billing records were. Didn't know how she came to be in possession of 900 FBI files related to the "Travelgate" investigation.
    Then there was "Chinagate" and Ron Brown. Didn't remember instructing him to "sell" seats on trade missions.

  5. they are BOTH brain dead!

  6. You must have brain damage to be a libtard like hillary


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