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Thursday, May 08, 2014

JUST IN: House Votes To Establish Select Committee On Benghazi

The House voted Thursday to establish a select committee on Benghazi, formally launching a comprehensive and contentious investigation aimed at answering lingering questions about what happened before, during and after the terror attack that killed four Americans.

The House voted 232-186 to approve the panel. The vote breakdown was 225 Republicans and 7 Democrats in favor, with 186 Democrats voting against the measure.

The vote was never in doubt, as majority Republicans largely were united in support of the committee ever since House Speaker John Boehner called for it last week. Unclear is whether Democrats will boycott the investigation itself.


  1. More dancing around the facts. Dance away?

  2. Took long enough, but will the truth prevail.

  3. How telling. 186 of our "representatives" would prefer NOT to know anything about the murder (and castration, mutilation, and degradation) of American citizens. THESE are the people who lead us? I'll bet if it was THEIR sons, they'd like to know....
    The rubber stamp on lies, deceipt, and obsfucation. Jefferson would have personally shot them in public. Nowadays, most of America praises them as "honorable"....

  4. Hear! Hear!8:02PM

  5. It takes me about 1 hour to cut my grass , about 15 minutes to change my oil , about 30 minutes to vacuum my home , about 2 hours to wash the exterior of my home , why in the Sam Hell does it take so long for these idiots to make a decision?
    How long is this crap going to go on?
    A few claymore mines on the senate floor would take us back to reality. WTF
    I got PTSD anyway , this really helps my mind.

  6. WHAT'S taking so long?


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