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Monday, May 05, 2014

'I’m Mr. Sterling’s everything. I’m his confidante, his best friend, his silly rabbit': V. Stiviano opens up about her relationship with 'generous, kind' Donald Sterling and DENIES he is a racist

The woman at the center of the firestorm surrounding Clippers owner Donald Sterling has broken her silence in her first television interview.

V. Stiviano sat down with Barbara Walters tonight on ABC's 20/20 to give her take on the racism controversy the broke when audio recordings of Stiviano and Sterling were made public.

Incredibly, the 31-year-old, who described herself as Sterling's 'silly rabbit,' said she does not believe Donald Sterling is a racist.

'I don't believe it in my heart,' she said, adding that although she's heard him make racist comments, she doesn't think he truly believes them.

'I think the things he says are not the things he feels,' she said. 'Anyone can say anything in the heat of the moment.'

When Stiviano sat down to speak with Walters, she had reportedly just been in the company of Donald Sterling.

She described his mindset as, 'Confused. I think he feels very alone. Not truly supported by those around him. Tormented. Emotionally traumatized.'

Stiviano said she was urging Sterling to 'come to his own rescue.'

Sterling has been stung by his treatment by his peers, the media, from his employees and acquaintances, Stiviano said.



  1. THATS A MAN BABY.......

  2. Has not making comments in one's defense become the new norm? When nothing a person says can help his or her situation maybe saying nothing is best.Sterling did not become a billionaire by being stupid.She says he's traumatized.I say he's waiting for the dust to settle.

  3. I've yet to hear a racist word from his mouth yet all the race baiters and haters are drumming up the lynch mob to call him one.
    Even Charles Barkley's statement was racist but the liberal media is to weak to call it like it is... They are afraid of blacks!

  4. He should of "paid her off".

  5. she should be arrested for recording conversations. she got her 15 minutes of fame.

  6. He seems no different than most of us, black & white, but the media decided to castrate him because they had a slow news day, and then the fool of an NBA Commissioner went so far over board it is beyond belief. Then of course the black community saw it as an opportnity to show the world how the white man continues to oppress them. Same story as Paula Deen. The media is making white folks afraid to even open their mouth regardless if it's right or wrong. This country and it's social values and perceptions is so skewed we may never recover.

  7. we can only hope the courts go overboard and find the NBA wrong and show that politically correct isn't always the right answer. The man was setup and she should be in jail. If he was wrong by NBA standards then the players should be fined for their actions on the court. I for one would bankrupt the team before i let the NBA take it.

  8. Unfortunately, he was outed doing something that many people do all the time. To top it off, the problem was created by someone he trusted. I hope he learns that his behaviors affect other people and he should think before he assumes he can act anyway he pleases because of his wealth. Ignorant, old man.

  9. Its called freedom of speech...while people may say things we don't agree with when did it become a crime. People have the right to say what they want even if it stirs a pot. We have become a country were everyone is running scared of minorities. Its time to wake up...

  10. He was having a private conversation. I think everyone is entitled to have a private conversation. Unfortunately his conversation was with a convicted thief and once again she used the situation to her advantage. I hope he sues the NBA. Why was she not arrested for recording a private conversation without the person's knowledge? And why have we not heard from Al and Jessie and Magic... concerning Chris Brown tweeting all over the world that the prosecutor was a "white trash racist". I take it that was ok of him to say that since he is black. Silly me I must be the "silly rabbit" for thinking this is all a bunch of BS. The NBA is full of racists but no one says a word cause the biggest racists are the blacks.


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