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Monday, May 05, 2014

I just signed a bill to RaiseThe Wage

Moments ago, I signed legislation to raise Maryland's minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.

We brought workers, activists, business owners and faith leaders together and forged consensus to give hundreds of thousands of Marylanders a raise.

Strengthening Maryland's middle class has been the North Star of my administration, and our work to raise the wage was the centerpiece of a legislative session that saw us expand Pre-K, protect the environment, promote fairness for all Marylanders, and invest in education and job creation.


  1. Governor O'Dumbass continues his job killing agenda from his mentor Obumer

  2. Let's see what the numbers are on next month's jobs report for the Tax-and-spend state!

  3. He just signed the death wish for lost jobs because employers won't be able to afford the minimum wage employees.

    What's going to happen now is layoffs and then the ones still employed are going to have to work a larger pay load for someone else who just got laid off.

  4. And he has done such a good job in Salisbury hasn't he...

  5. This guy just cost a bunch of people their jobs.

  6. Here's to hoping the first ones that get laid off are Democrats!

    The boss needs to tell them they're getting what they voted for....

    Only problem with this logic is more Democrats on the dole.....

  7. “Let’s not make this argument that we’re for the blue-collar guy but we’re against any minimum wage increase ever,” Santorum said of Republicans. “It just makes no sense.”

  8. This has not strengthened the middle class, nor will it. Wait for the price increases, everyone, that will nullify the minimum wage increase and suck the life out of those already making a "living wage". It's a shuffle, people, nothing more.


  9. OweMalley, you've given us a lot, that is true. However in your rush to satisfy your agenda you dispensed with the lube. And we're hurting!

  10. Expect your buying power to decrease...and the carrot more unreachable once again.....democrats are ignorant morons

  11. And I would like to announce that on Monday, I am starting to lay off some of my employees and expect the ones left to work harder for their raise and pick up the slack.


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