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Sunday, May 11, 2014

HuffPo Informs Us: 93 Percent Of Straight Men Have 'Cuddled Or Spooned' With Another Man

We're all gay now!

I can't decide whether to laugh harder or really dig into the numbers. But Huffington Post is pretty excited about this:

That’s according to a new study out of Britain on the changing social habits of heterosexual males. Published in the journal of Men and Masculinities in March, the study revealed that 98 percent of the study’s participants -- all white, college-age male athletes -- have shared a bed with another guy. In addition, 93 percent also reported having spooned or cuddled with another man.

Study co-author and sociologist Mark McCormack, of Durham University, says the study’s results exemplify changing conceptions of masculinity in contemporary culture. As homophobia decreases, McCormack says, straight men are acting “much softer” than those from older generations -- something he and Eric Anderson, of the University of Winchester, set out to examine.



  1. This is BULLCRAP!

    Common really, where did they get there stats? Dead Obama Voters


  2. Does this mean I can have special rights too?

  3. What a load of crap. It's AMAZING how suggestive articles like this BS are helping to pave the way to gay rights.

  4. Huffington Post has just doubled my chances of getting a date on Saturday night.

  5. This unbelievably BS "study" will be quoted and cited as evidence that MOST men have some gay (is that still the politically correct erm?) tendencies. Sort of like the "10% of all humans are gay" BS. More like 3-5%, but don't let facts get in the way of your desire to prove how truly normal you are.....

  6. Not me! Yuck!!!!

  7. Most of you guys wouldn't admit it anyway ;)

  8. What gets me the most is that the group study including college-aged white males only. That seems to point that most of these men admitting this could have possibly done this due to an intense night of partying and drinking. Thus, a large amount of men passed out on beds that were already occupied, leading themt to say that they had done this. I have nothing against gay rights, but seriously, let's not do a biased study that basically claims that the majority of men are "bi-curious".

  9. Fortunately I'm one of the 7%

  10. Throw me in the 7% group.

  11. Typical softening up the morals. What was wrong is now acceptable/okay. Wake up humans/animals ... whatever you are.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. God said they were bad people. I dont get into other folks business like that.

  14. I must be a seven percenter as well!

  15. Brushing aside this ridiculous statement that 93 percent of men have spooned with other men. The study does suggest that today's men are being wusified by the diseased liberal left.

  16. What I think is funny (but sick @ the same time) is that I know this guy who is a gay from Salisbury who told me a few months ago that I would be surprised at all the married men here who have cheated on their wife's with another man.

  17. I saw 2 men in the parking lot on South Park drive today who were doing a lot worse than cuddling or spooning.

  18. Have we considered that perhaps some of these could be military? One vet told me it was the only way to stay warm during night in Iraq. I guess the temp drops dramatically at night.

    I have read where our men fighting in the mountains during the Korean War would sleep two in a sleeping bag just to keep from freezing to death.


  19. A Homo said...

    Most of you guys wouldn't admit it anyway ;)

    May 7, 2014 at 11:22 AM

  20. Anonymous Ellen Perdue said...
    Have we considered that perhaps some of these could be military? One vet told me it was the only way to stay warm during night in Iraq. I guess the temp drops dramatically at night.

    I have read where our men fighting in the mountains during the Korean War would sleep two in a sleeping bag just to keep from freezing to death.

    May 8, 2014 at 1:04 AM

    I doubt it! This is a hogwash to brainwash today's society into thinking it's Ok to be gay.

    Why are you idiots making excuses for this left wing nut news paper and endorsing homosexuality.

  21. This is so gross!!


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