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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Harry Reid: The Koch Brothers Are Causing Climate Change

The Senate Majority Leader has a penchant for bashing the Koch Brothers for all sorts of things. But this might take the cake. Sen. Reid openly declared today on the Senate floor that two “multizillionaires” named David and Charles Koch are not a cause of climate change, mind you, but rather "one of the main causes." Let that sink in.

This is a point he made explicitly, delivering it with both conviction and certainty. But while trolling the Koch brothers (who most Americans have never heard of, by the way) might be his latest obsession, at what point do his crazy rants reach the point of diminishing returns?

For example, Forbes contributor and Townhall columnist Ralph Benko is already calling on Republicans to censure him. That is, if and when they wield enough political power to bring that tantalizing idea to fruition:


  1. Harry Reid taught Barrack Obama how to lie. So, whoever is listening to this POS is hearing his lies.., if his lips are moving, he's lying. It's just convincing NV voters of that.

  2. Harry. With the thoughts you'd be thinking, you could be another Lincoln. If you only had a brain.

  3. the sky is falling, the sky is falling...idiot!!!

    I have been extremely disturbed by climate change. Now I notice that around December it gets very cold, then around June it gets very hot. some right wing nuts actually give it names such as "winter, "spring" "summer" and "fall" but I am not buying that nonsense.

  5. Any climate "change" is coming from all the gas spewing out of whorehouse harry's mouth...

  6. Harry Reid is a nut case and needs to go - go sit down and shut up, everyone is tired of his ranting and lies, lies and more lies.

  7. Why hasn't he been arrested yet? Theft, racketeering, corruption. Throw his a$$ in jail.


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