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Saturday, May 10, 2014


2013 Figures Lowest Since 1961

Annapolis, Md.
– Governor Martin O’Malley and Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown announced the number of traffic fatalities on Maryland roadways in 2013 was the lowest in more than five decades. The 2013 preliminary figure of 466 traffic fatalities in Maryland was the lowest since 1961 when 461 highway deaths were reported. The current 2013 figure is a decrease from the 2012 figure of 511.

“From laws to combat distracted driving, like Jake’s Law, to our efforts to pass life-saving seat belt legislation, our Administration has aggressively worked to lower the senseless and preventable loss of life on our roadways,” said Governor O’Malley. “While these lower numbers indicate we’ve made progress, we must continue to work together to enhance traffic safety for Maryland motorists.”

Thanks to the collaborative work with Federal, State and local partners, and with strong support from members of our General Assembly, Maryland has implemented comprehensive and aggressive initiatives to enhance highway safety. To combat distracted driving, Maryland passed Jake’s Law this year, a bill that elevated the penalty for texting while driving to a criminal offense. Last year, Maryland passed a new seat belt law for all seated positions in a vehicle, made it a primary offense to talk on handheld cell phones while driving and increased the penalties for texting while driving.

“Maryland law enforcement and highway safety partners are actively working toward a goal of zero deaths on our roadways,” said Lt. Governor Brown. “We are encouraged by the drop in traffic-related fatalities, but there is still work to be done and we remain committed to working together to make Maryland roads safer for all residents and travelers.”

Representing the four “E’s” of highway safety: Engineering, Education, Enforcement and Emergency Responders, State and local partners convened to create a roadmap to reduce crashes over the next five years. The State’s plan to reduce roadway fatalities and injuries, known as the Strategic Highway Safety Plan, addresses six major areas of traffic safety: Aggressive Driving Prevention, Distracted Driving Prevention, Highway Infrastructure, Occupant Protection and Pedestrian Safety. Traffic crashes are one of the leading causes of death through age 44 and represent a leading cause of death throughout a person’s life.

“With 56 billion miles traveled each year on Maryland roadways, ensuring the safety of the motoring public is a major undertaking,” said Transportation Secretary James T. Smith, Jr. “The O’Malley-Brown Administration has made highway safety a top priority, and motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists must do their part to stay alert and follow the rules of the road.”

“Highway safety is one of the most important issues, we, as law enforcement, face on a daily basis,” said Colonel Marcus L. Brown, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police. “Our goal is to continue to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries due to motor vehicle crashes by aiming enforcement efforts at distracted, aggressive and impaired drivers.”

Please click the link to view a chart of statewide traffic fatalities from 2004 to 2013.



  1. That's because of the gas tax. Nobody can afford to drive anymore.

  2. The mere fact that these bozo Nazi's think they can reduce to zero the number of traffic fatalities indicates one of two things. Either they are supremely stupid or they plan to implement even stranger and stricter surveillance and "campaigns" against the citizens. Millions and millions of miles are driven by imperfect beings separated mostly by some painted lines and imaginary boundaries. Even the people (cops) enforcing the law get killed by their own stupidity, distractions, and mistakes.
    BUT, if we just clamp down harder on the peasants, we can stop all the carnage, which statistically speaking, is miniscule.
    Its all about the money and how much of it they can take from "we, the people".
    They are already dreaming up the next "boogeyman" to eradicate from the highways (with the accompanying fines and penalties, of course). The only thing I didn't hear them say was "it's for the CHILDREN, for God's sake!!!!!"
    Keep cheering. And carry your "pay-pa's" with you at all times. The fun hasn't even begun to go into high gear yet.


  3. OweMalley & OweBrown; two bright lights!

    Take until May 2014 to figure out the deaths during 2013. Excellence in administration personified!

  4. Just another unpaid campaign announcement. Since when do these guys comment on traffic deaths? Only when they are running for office. Had the figures been negative, you would have never heard from them.

  5. As if either one had something to do with it!

  6. You will notice the report is "PRELIMINARY", which means it will be corrected" later after all the BS announcements. Don't look for the correction to be in large type..

  7. Good point, 751, Marty is good at cherry picking number before the final count comes in, and to lie to us that HE is STRIVING towards ZERO fatalities is a pipe dream that no one in their right minds believes possible!

    Further proof of his mental state...

    How could he even claim responsibility for this number in the first place? We have tourist traffic and our own drivers that are the responsible parties here.

    Pennsylvanians must be improving their skills!

  8. And this has to do with them why?

    It doesn't, just a free plug for their campaigns and tax payers expense as well as the death of some poor souls.

    These two are pure low lives for capitalizing on someones death.

  9. 2:01 is correct.I personally drive about half as much as I used to.

  10. they quit counting the Mexicans killed in traffic crossing Randolph and Viers Mill Rds in Wheaton
    to stop Jaywalking ..the State put up a fence that should be the model of the one promised along the border... the same group also failed to respect..


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