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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Going Viral: ‘Sad Sister’ Gets One of the Most Brutally Honest Responses Ever From Advice Columnist

A stay-at-home mom wrote to the “Ask Amy” advice column on May 8 seeking guidance on how to make one of her sisters “understand that she should perhaps find another set of friends whose lives and interests align more closely with hers.” The response she received from nationally syndicated columnist Amy Dickinson was painfully blunt.


  1. Hahahahahaahhahaah. Perfect response. And her stupid behind needed to hear it. I'm just glad someone did it for everyone who reads this to see. What a rude and insensitive person.

  2. I should copy and paste this and send it to my sisters.
    I simply decided that they were not worthy of my company and ended my relationship with them, knowing I would never be good enough to be in their company, in their eyes.
    When my mother asks what my problem is, I simply reply, I do not have a problem, but obviously they do, and I move on.
    Just because we were born to the same family doesn't mean I have to spend a lifetime being hurt.
    As hard as it was, I have a more peaceful life.

  3. A well known axiom: The difference between in-laws & outlaws is; "Outlaws are wanted."

  4. You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. I just got lucky I guess. Blood and in law. What kind of bitch would write that letter? A cold one that's who. Damn!

  5. I can relate to the sister that 'doesn't fit in'. It's a pity and I'm glad Amy called her out.

  6. Perhaps we could get Amy Dickinson to write to President Obama?

  7. I can relate to this. I have rich relatives who always exclude me and my family because we are poor working class people and don't fit in with their lifestyle. It is their loss, and yes, I found my own friends who accept me for me, and not my income or social status.
    Life is too short let this bother me. It is their loss, not mine.

  8. The only thing that could be better would be if the "left out" sister was the one that wrote the letter, outing the sister for her bad and rude behavior. And if she did, then I'm sure she made sure her sister saw it!

  9. The outcast sister is better off being an outcast. Who would want to be part of that group anyway? They can keep their little clique!

  10. Another example of those "good Christians" and she even brags what a church goer she is.

  11. A typical HYPOCRITE!!!!! Glad she was called out! Do unto others as you would like them to do to you! Guess she missed that Sunday!

  12. When you ask for someone's opinion, you sometimes get exactly what you deserve

  13. obvious red flag was here detailed explanation of her church going... in my experience: any one that needs to TELL you what a great christian you are, most likely isn't very christian after all!


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