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Monday, May 26, 2014

Giving Thanks


  1. God bless the men and women who lost arms and legs, eyesight, genitals, or bled out on a battlefield, alone, so we could have what we have today.
    God bless the men and women who sent their sons and daughters to give their lives or body parts, too.
    God please forgive the men and women who think everything we have is deserved and free and they are entitled to everything, without sacrifice or effort
    And finally, may God remind those (in His own way) of the many brave American men and women who died so THEY could live free, not only in this country, but on so many other countries around the planet, especially for those who didn't have the means to acquire it on their own and needed OUR blood and treasure to achieve it.
    We ARE great. We ARE special. And we are very, very blessed.

  2. When I think about the things that Obama and Hillary have done to our military I cry and shout for revenge. It just makes me sick.


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