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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Garlic Reverses Heart Disease: UCLA Study

Aged garlic extract can stop heart disease from progressing and, in some cases, even reverse artery plaque accumulation, according to new research.

The studies were conducted at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and led by cardiologist Matthew Budoff, M.D.

He took CAT scans of 72 heart patients who had blockages of at least one of major cardiac artery. He asked half of the study subjects to take two pills of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract each day, one in the morning and another in the evening. The other participants took placebo pills.

After a year, he repeated the CAT scans and discovered that the subjects who took the garlic experienced regression of arterial plaque. The plaque buildup in patients who took the placebo got worse.

“Our study demonstrated the benefit of this supplement on both plaque changes over time and preventing new plaque formation,” Dr. Budoff told Newsmax Health.

“We have completed four randomized studies to date, and all have led us to concur that aged garlic extract is both beneficial for slowing atherosclerosis and reversing the early stages of heart disease.”


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