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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Gansler Seeks Warning Labels On E-Cigarettes

Maryland Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Doug Gansler has sent letters to 10 manufacturers of electronic cigarettes, asking for warning labels on the liquid nicotine refills or "e-juice" refills that smokers of theses devices use.

He is also asking manufacturers to stop selling liquid nicotine in flavors that might be attractive to kids.

In his letters sent Monday, Gansler cites figures from the Centers for Disease Control which show a spike in calls to poison control centers related to people who have ingested liquid nicotine.


  1. Regulate, regulate, regulate. Is that all that Democrats can do? If I were a Democrat he would have lost my vote.

  2. Gansler needs to stop his nonsense now. This is nothing but lip service & a disservice to the industry.

  3. Follow the money folks. Nobody cares about the kids or whatever other excuse they come up with, it's all about the money. If they catch on, e-cigs could put a hurting on the tobacco industry. Big tobacco is demanding some protection from their paid-for politicians and they are getting it.


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