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Saturday, May 03, 2014

From the Desk of the Fire Chief

“Where Does The Time Go?” 

As the first calendar quarter draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the last year and what has transpired over that time period. April 2014 marks the end of the first year of my tenure as fire chief of this great organization. Since last April the department has really come together and worked toward our goal of becoming a truly integrated combination Fire and EMS Service. I am so proud of the efforts we have made and look forward to continuing this progress toward becoming a model agency that other departments will pattern their efforts on.

The months of January through March have been busy for the department and that includes the Chief’s Office. During this time period we have worked diligently to produce a comprehensive Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the next five years. The CIP comprises many needed capital projects that include new fire stations and apparatus replacement based on need, following an evaluation of mileage, condition, and maintenance expense for each to determine remaining life expectancy. The volunteer executive board was included in the planning of the CIP and a financial plan has been developed which supports many of the CIP projects and some that do not fit into the CIP but are needed to fulfill our mission.

Immediately following the CIP, marked the beginning of the preparation phase for the annual operating budget for the department. This year was much like many of the previous years with instructions that included restrictions on requests based on our current and projected economic conditions. The department was able to submit its budget requests and did so on time with additional requests for critical needs that did not align themselves with the budget instructions. There were several major requests made that include:

construction of a new Fire Station # 2 (from the CIP), S.A.F.E.R. funding requests, and the creation of a new Division of Fire Prevention and Code

Enforcement; which is projected to be revenue positive for the City and designed to enhance the safety of our citizens and emergency services personnel. 
The executive staff of the SFD continues to focus on achieving our vision of becoming a fully integrated combination Fire and EMS Department that maintains a high level of pride, professionalism, proficiency, and personal accountability and a full commitment to becoming a model agency for others to follow. Everything we do or
approve is focused on this mission and goal. We will continue to strive to make decisions that align the department with this vision and hope that the membership continues to support the changes necessary for the SFD to get to this desired destination. I remain confident in the effort the members of the department put into their pro-fession. The hours of training and preparation continue to show through on the scenes of the emergencies we handle on a daily basis. The members of the SFD continue to face the challenges of emergency service delivery with great energy and enthusiasm.

In closing, the men and women of the Salisbury Fire Department are proud to provide a tradition of excellent public safety service to the residents of the Salisbury Fire District. At the end of my first year as Fire Chief, all I can say is, “Where has the time gone?” I am so grateful for this opportunity and thank you for your continued support. Please know that your service is valued and much appreciated and that I will continue to try to support all of our members in executing their duties.

Respectfully Yours in Service,
Richard A. Hoppes, BS
Chief of the Department


  1. This letter is a JOKE!!

    This guy is already spending more money on a new firehouse!!

    WTH will the spending end? And you supported this guy for fire chief Joe?

  2. Looking at that picture makes me wonder if there are any health or physical fitness requirements. That guy surely doesn't look like he can climb into a fire truck. Not sure I would want to depend on him backing me up.

  3. "a new Division of Fire Prevention and Code Enforcement"

    Stand by for more taxes and fees. So much for a business friendly city.

  4. Kind of nauseating to see that PR machine is at full throttle, especially after a place burns down in their own backyard.

    Two words for this chief:

    Lorenzo. Cropper.

  5. That is one chubby looking guy. How did he get hired?

  6. no mention of how much money they have wasted inthe last 5 years. we have more than enough firemen and equipment. we only need two men and the fire boat and we are all safe thanks sjd

  7. Amazing how he forgot those who helped him get there. Lore Chambers was his supporter and he knifed her in the back along with Tom Stevenson. No integrity there at all. I bet she won't give him no more tissues to dry his tears.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Amazing how he forgot those who helped him get there. Lore Chambers was his supporter and he knifed her in the back along with Tom Stevenson. No integrity there at all. I bet she won't give him no more tissues to dry his tears.

    May 3, 2014 at 5:31 PM

    That is to funny!! LMAO

  9. 2:18 PM I can think of 2 other words that come to mind. LC isn't the only one Hoppes screwed over. What goes around comes around.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Amazing how he forgot those who helped him get there. Lore Chambers was his supporter and he knifed her in the back along with Tom Stevenson. No integrity there at all. I bet she won't give him no more tissues to dry his tears.

    May 3, 2014 at 5:31 PM

    That is so true. He is nothing but a cry baby and he did everything he could to get the fire chiefs job and he played the sympathy card to anyone who would listen. He is the worst person that the city could have possibly picked for their fire chief.

  11. The department was able to submit its budget requests and did so on time with additional requests for critical needs that did not align themselves with the budget instructions.

    So let's get this straight. The department head was told not to submit and increase in his budget and he does it anyway? This is insubordination and someone in the real world would have been fired on the spot.

    Critical needs? What is so critical that they need an increase in the budget! The fire department has been given more than it's fair share from the tax payers in the last 10 years and this while under his watch. And you wonder why the decent previous council members didn't want him appointed as the fire chief. This is not who I want leading a city department. I want someone who is a good steward of my hard earned money.


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