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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Found: Cancer's deadly 'mother cells' that if killed, could wipe out the disease

Scientists have got to the root of cancer.

They’ve pinpointed the deadly ‘mother cells’ that give birth to tumours and keep them alive.

A drug that kills these menacing cells could wipe out the disease – and cure patients.

Despite advances in medicine, cancer claims more than 150,000 lives a year, making it one of Britain’s biggest killers.

The ‘mother cells’, or cancer stem cells, are blamed for the disease’s spread throughout the body – the most common cause of death in cancer patients.

They are also believed to be resistant to radiotherapy and chemotherapy and so explain why cancers come back after treatment.



  1. Do not be fooled about Obummer-CareMay 20, 2014 at 5:29 PM

    This is god news, however with Obama care you'll stand in line like the Veterans Association and DIE....

  2. Disease of every kind is big business. Any person that believes all of the various groups feeding $$$ on cancer and other major diseases will allow that money train to STOP for any reason, including a cure, has their head up their own ***. It will never happen. The wheels of greed will grind on, building itself upon others misfortunes, their personal health, forced the poor to war while wealth waves the flag for believers, ever manipulation of their monies/income by banksters. Greed drives. Greed kills. Greed is evil, the bible states that clearly. Common sense and compassion do NOT exist in the world of greed, which is where you and I are forced to live, every day of our lives.. Nice thought, but we'll never see it.

  3. But, the rich will have access to the cure.

  4. Russians inject minute amounts of rocket fuel into cancer patients veins with amazing results.Seriously.

  5. doctors do not 'cure' anyone. if they did they would go out of business. they treat the symptoms, prescribe pills, (they are pill salesmen for big pharma),and generally only care about the bottom line.

    There are cures out there, even for cancer, but they will not allow them to be used. Why? Their 'treatments' are big money makers for them.

    Chemo is one such example. Chemo is toxic, and EXPENSIVE. They will put this poison in your body to 'cure' the cancer. You have a better survival rate if you did NOTHING versus taking chemo treatments.

    I think chemo has an 8% survival rate versus 27% if you did nothing. I'm not real sure about those numbers, it has been awhile since I read about them, so look them up yourselves.

    By the way, their definition of 'survival' is living 5 years past the chemo treatment. Again, look those numbers up for yourselves.

    We all would have a much better chance of living if we moved to Colorado and ingested cannabis oil, which has been claimed to cure cancer.

    Could that be the reason big government has a patent on it and kept it illegal for so long?


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