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Saturday, May 24, 2014

FBI chief: 2009 Fort Hood shooting WAS inspired by al-Qaeda

FBI Director James Comey testified Wednesday that he believes the 2009 mass shooting at Fort Hood in Texas was inspired by al-Qaeda.

Major Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, opened fire on his fellow servicemen and women on November 5, 2009, killing 13 and injuring 30 others. He was shot and paralyzed from the waist down in the resulting hail of gunfire, and was sentenced to death in 2013.

The federal government has termed the attack an incidence of 'workplace violence,' saying that the home-grown Hasan didn't meet the legal definition of an international terrorist.

Texas Sen. John Cornyn, however, elicited the first confirmation from the Obama administration that the 'terror' label might apply.



  1. That only took 5 years!

    Any normal person knew within a few days exactly what the deal was.

    On top of that his fellow Army psychiatrists ignored and tiptoed around his writings and utterances for a considerable period of time before he murdered the soldiers.

    Hope they get no sleep for their knowing inaction which let this happen.


  2. That fool in the Whitehouse said it was "Work place Violence", and denied all of the service people involved many extra benefits had it been ruled what it was, a Terrorist attack!
    But then he would have to admit that his religion is a front for terrorist, and his fellow Muslims are bad.

  3. No, No, No you have this wrong. Ask Chuck Cook because Obama said it is work related hostility.

  4. Workplace violence.....his Brotherhood stuck again...


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