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Monday, May 12, 2014

Eliminating the State Income Tax will Keep Jobs in Maryland Craig

Missouri just cut its income tax to 5.5%. Indiana's was cut to 3.2%. Kansas has cut again with the aim to eliminating the tax altogether. Once elected, as governor, I will make sure MD joins the crowd of states like North Carolina, Wisconsin and others seeking to eliminate the personal the personal income tax to relieve some of the burdens on individuals and businesses that hurt job growth and the economy. With the county piggyback taxes, Maryland's top rate is an oppressive 9%.

When I looked at business conditions, I recognized that our state needs small business growth immediately. Small businesses have typically been the source of most new jobs in the entire country. Under the O'Malley-Brown administration, 6500 businesses have either closed or left Maryland. Most small businesses pay taxes on personal income tax forms. Obviously then, cuts to these onerous taxes would lead to prosperity from what is now a barely sputtering economy. Encouraging "good old American ingenuity" is what the state should do, and as governor, I will get it done for you.


  1. No Brainer florida has no state income tax and jobs are flocking to the state.

  2. Never convince the lemmings in this state that reducing taxes puts real money back into the economy...

  3. Only a fool would believe MD is going to DECREASE taxes.

  4. It does get bad with the piggy back tax. I moved here from Easton in December, and it cost me more than a thousand dollars in extra taxes. I should have stayed up there!

  5. They don't call it a piggyback tax for nothing 12:22! Slop the hogs and still want more!


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