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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Did NSA blackmail Roberts to OK Obamacare?

U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts may have been blackmailed to approve Obamacare after being spied on by the NSA and CIA, says Larry Klayman, the attorney who has come to be known as “the NSA slayer” for his successful legal battles against the National Security Agency.

During an appearance Sunday night on Aaron Klein’s New York City radio show on 970 The Answer, Klayman suggested the blackmail possibility when asked by a caller if the Supreme Court could be sued for its approval of the Affordable Care Act.

“Unfortunately, there’s no way to sue the Supreme Court for decisions that it makes. There should be, and there should be a way to remove these justices for making decisions like that,” explained Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch who now heads Freedom Watch.



  1. Interesting, if this dog hunts the future of Barrycare could be interesting...

  2. Something smells fishy and illegal here.

  3. No doubt in my mind. I have been saying that since roberts stabbed us all in the back. Everything that used to be held sacred has been corrupted by the commies in charge.


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