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Monday, May 19, 2014

Dick Cheney on Benghazi: Hillary 'clearly bears responsibility'

Add former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney to the chorus of Republicans who seem insistent on making the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya a black mark against Hillary Rodham Clinton if she decides to run for president.

In an interview taped for Fox News Sunday, Cheney told host Chris Wallace that the former Secretary of State will have some explaining to do.

'She was Secretary of State at the time that it happened,' Cheney said in an excerpt broadcast Friday afternoon on Fox.

'She was one of the first in Washington to know about it.'

'I think she clearly bears responsibility for whatever the State Department did or didn't do with respect to that – uh, that crisis.'



  1. The Dumocrats will still vote for her!

  2. The main street media will not ask her the tough questions. So there will be nothing to explain.

    If a CNN or MSNBC reporter were to ask the tough questions they would lose their cred in liberal circles. I really don't know how liberals can live with themselves.

    It's in the liberal handbook - find sand and bury your head in it.


  3. In her 2008 campaign Mrs. Bill Clinton said she'd be ready for an emergency call at 3 a.m.

    Too bad she was AWOL when it came in mid-afternoon.

  4. If Hillary was not going to run for president you would not even hear the word Bengazi, just like you do not hear about all the other very similar and more deadly attacks . Look it up

  5. Anonymous said...
    If Hillary was not going to run for president you would not even hear the word Bengazi, just like you do not hear about all the other very similar and more deadly attacks . Look it up

    May 20, 2014 at 7:51 AM

    You are an illiterate moron!!

  6. People who are where they don't belong and where they are not wanted get killed.Oh my,but we're Americans.Everybody loves us.Why would anyone want us dead? I have an idea;let's debate this incident till hell freezes over.


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