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Monday, May 19, 2014

Deadliest weapons ever invented- Metal Storm


  1. this was on the show future weapons back in 2005 I believe..

    Just to be CLEAR and so YOU ALL KNOW, we had this technology in place over the pentagon to protect it... you see what it can do via the video so tell me how the fuck a plane or a missile hit the pentagon with tech like this on battleships and buildings to protect it? because they turned it off... That is why it is considered an inside job by everyone...

  2. they can make new and 'exciting' weapons but they can't spend that money on helping the people. Nice.

  3. 10:09 What world are you living in?
    Wake up and get informed.
    THE largest expenditure in America is Health and Human Services. Over a trillion dollars a year goes to feeding, sheltering and clothing, hairbraiding, nail doing, 200 dollar Nike wearing, Escalade driving, jewelry buying, 5 child baby mommas...
    What more do you want??

  4. Shut up, and take my money. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to own this weapon. Brb, searching for the technology.

  5. If I pull the back seat out of my Edsel convertible this baby will bolt right in.


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