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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

David Kear, former Director-General of NZ Scientific Research, says global warming is a non-existent threat

Climate Depot reports on a New Zealand geoscientist who has worked at the highest levels and has just released a detailed statement about why the threat of rising sea-levels has been blown out of all proportions, and “An ‘innocent gas, CO2, has been demonized and criminalized’”.

“The widespread obsession with Global-Warming-Climate-Change, in opposition to all factual evidence, is quite incredible.”

Kear laments the ‘Astronomical Cost of Major Measures to Combat a Non-Existent Threat’.

His scientific caliber: “Dr David Kear has a background in geology and engineering, becoming the Director General of the DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research) in 1980. He is a Fellow and Past Vice-President of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and Past President of the New Zealand Geological Society [which promises to catalogue his work here]. Dr Kear has over 100 publications on New Zealand and Pacific geology, vulcanology and mineral resources.” Apparently aforaminifera shell was named after him in 1962.

He has been in this for a very long time.



  1. Of course there is global warming... the fact that it has gotten colder every year for the past 10 to 12 is the fault of global warming. The fact that Polar Bears are now in trouble because there is too much ice is due to global warming... wake up people.. duhhhhh

  2. when c02 levels hit 3000 ppm, the innocent little gas will leave you dead

  3. Brilliant statement 7:59... do u know what it would take for our atmosphere to reach 3000ppm? Another left wing fear monger...

  4. What's brilliant is that you believe some expert scientist who thinks a deadly gas is innocent. He need to study more seashells

  5. 7:59 you are absolutely clueless. Please don't talk about this topic, because it just exposes your ignorance here. Leave it alone until you get the "real" facts...

    I have been extremely disturbed by climate change. Now I notice that around December it gets very cold, then around June it gets very hot. some right wing nuts actually give it names such as "winter, "spring" "summer" and "fall" but I am not buying that nonsense.


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