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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Congress Passes Gutted Anti-NSA Spying Bill Beyond Recognition; Original Co-Sponsor Votes "No"

It’s shameful that the president of the United States, the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and the leaders of the country’s surveillance agencies refuse to accept consensus reforms that will keep our country safe while upholding the Constitution. And it mocks our system of government that they worked to gut key provisions of the Freedom Act behind closed doors.

- Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, original cosponsor of the USA Freedom Act

In what will come as no surprise to any of you, there are very few members of Congress I have even the slightest degree of respect for. However, Justin Amash is one of them.

Rep. Amash is 34 years old and was first elected to Congress in 2010. He has been on my radar screen for several years now as one of the few elected representatives who act more like statesmen than politicians. He has been on the right side of many civil liberties related issues, including his opposition to the NDAA’s provision that allows for the indefinite detention of American citizens without a trial. More recently, last summer he authored an anti-NSA amendment known as the “Amash Amendment,” which was defeated by establishment authoritarians in both political parties. I covered that story in my post: NSA Holds “Top Secret” Meeting to Stop Powerful Anti-Spying Amendment.

Being the fighter that he is, Amash regrouped and came back with an anti-NSA spying bill with some teeth to it: The USA Freedom Act. This bill concerned the establishment to such a degree that Senator Feinstein launched her own competing bill [6], which believe it or not, intended to codify the NSA’s unconstitutional practices into law.



  1. These are the reasons prepers are getting ready for the ship to hit the fan...WE THE PEOPLE HAVE BECOME THE ENEMNY OF THE STATE

  2. And what party is in control of congress?

  3. 6:47 uh... the party in control of government right now is Communist and they are subverting the laws of the United States and our countries Constitution.
    They are led by the Communist in chief Obama and his henchman Holder.
    NOW do you understand "fundamental Transformation"?


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