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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Clues Missed In Case Of Teacher Deemed 'One Of The Most Prolific Pedophiles,' Authorities Say

He was one of the most beloved teachers in the small world of international schools that serve the children of diplomats, well-off American expatriates and local elites. He was often the first to arrive in the morning, and the last to leave each day. He led students on class trips to exotic places, treating them to cookies and milk at bedtime.

That was the public persona of William Vahey, carefully crafted over four decades until a maid cleaning his home in Nicaragua stole a 16-gigabyte memory drive. There, in photograph after photograph, was evidence that the model teacher had molested scores of adolescent boys, possibly more, in a career spanning 10 schools on four continents.

The discovery of a man the FBI regards as one of the most prolific pedophiles in memory has set off a crisis in the close-knit community of international schools, where horrified parents are being told their children may have been victims of a favorite teacher, and administrators are scurrying to close teacher-vetting loopholes revealed by Vahey's abuses.


  1. This is proof that the ENTIRE System is a FAILURE! The police didn't do their job in the beginning, the judicial system failed, the school system across the world failed, the parents failed, and the children are the ones that suffer! This is the story of the world now. People say put your kids in Private School - Why? Alot of these people are soo rich it is unreal - and the schools that he taught at are "PRIVATE" and you see what happened!

  2. YUP
    It is usually this way, "molested scores of young BOYS"

  3. Sounds like Jim Ireton's MO.


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