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Thursday, May 08, 2014

Business Group Rolls Out Roll Call Report Card

Passage of the minimum wage increase has worried business owners and their advocates, who already fret that Mayland’s economic climate is hostile to corporations and mom-and-pop shops alike.

This year’s Maryland Business for Responsive Government’s Roll Call, an annual report card rating lawmakers on how “business friendly” they have voted, also offers analysis of how the hike to minimum wage, signed into law Monday by Gov. Martin O’Malley, will affect the future of the business climate in Maryland.

MBRG, founded in 1985, touts itself and Roll Call as a non-partisan endeavor, representing the interests of state businesses and holding legislators accountable. But inevitably MBRG’s positions tend to fall more in line with Republicans and their pro-business attitudes. Virtually no Democrats earn top scores, but Democrats did do well on a new list of “most improved” legislators.

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1 comment:

  1. Most improved ?..whats that ? big stupid total idiot down graded to total idiot?..democrats are a disease that must be cured...


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