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Monday, May 05, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court rules prayers that open town council meetings do not violate Constitution

The Supreme Court rules that prayers that open town council meetings do not violate the Constitution, even if they routinely stress Christianity.



  1. Well, this is about the first intelligent, sensible decision out of the Supreme Court in quite a while. Hoping this is a sign of better times coming.

  2. This is good news.

  3. Don't be shocked when they start having prayers from the Koran now.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 5, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    AMEN. About time Supreme Court got something right. Keep It Going!

  5. Most council meetings need the prayer they can get.

  6. Only the truly ignoramuses we are so unfortunate to have walking among us, would think a prayer before a council meeting is unconstitutional. Thanks to the town of Greece, NY for standing their ground on this all the up to the Supreme Court.

  7. The Court will give and the court will take away... must be nice to decide things like God.

  8. The problem is that most of these prayer complaints start with people attending a meeting looking for something to cause trouble over. Like that woman in Sussex county who complained. They are attention seekers. If you ask me the parents of these people like this woman need a foot shoved up their butts for raising kids who for whatever reason are compelled to want to draw attention to themselves as adults. Everything like this is caused by a poor upbringing and is a very good reason why liberals need to have as many abortions as possible. Animals make better parents.

  9. City and County need the prayer for themselves.

  10. KAGAN filed a dissenting opinion, in which GINSBURG, BREYER, and SOTOMAYOR,

  11. Thank you, Debbie Campbell, for being the ONLY one to vote to preserve prayer at Salisbury council meetings.


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